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A Service of the Center for Teaching & Learning

Schedulus Supervisor

Schedulus Basics and Overview


If you are interested in using this software, please send an email to or call the Center for Teaching & Learning at 801-422-8180. You will need to provide your NetID or BYU ID, the name of the department to be added, and department phone number.

The Schedulus website is

For initial setup, permissions must be designated first. Click on the Admin tab and select Manage Access Permissions. Under the Access Name heading, three Access Permissions have been created by default: Full, Supervisor and Employee. Edit an Access Permission by clicking on the desired name, and a pop up will appear. The levels can be adjusted according to preference: Access Level, Title Level, Shifts Level, Units Level, and Employees Level. Note: There are tooltips to explain what each level does and means. Save changes by clicking the green Save button. These changes will then be listed on the Manage Access Permissions page.

To create a New Access Type, click the green + Access Type button on the far right of the page. Type in a new Access Type Name (required). Adjust the Access Defaults according to preference and save changes by clicking the green Save button. The new Access Name with corresponding permissions will then be listed on the Manage Access Permissions page.

Click on Manage Job Titles, then +Job Title to create all job titles and/or positions that you supervise.

After permissions have been designated and job titles have been created, groups and teams can be set up. These are not required for initial set up, but adding them does help to streamline the process.

Click on the Home tab and select + Group, then enter a Group Name and select Group Owner.

Once a group has been set up, click on + Team to add a team(s) to the group.

New employees can be added individually or by importing a CSV. Click on the Manage Employees tab, then + New Employee. You will need either a NetID or a BYU ID to add employees. To add an individual employee, click on the green + New Employee found at the top right of the page. A pop- up will appear. Enter the new employee’s NetID or BYU ID in the field provided. Click the “Add” button and a new pop-up box will appear. Note: If the NetID or BYU ID is invalid, an error message will be displayed instead.

If applicable, select whether a student is an international student as defined by the International Office. Add a phone number for the employee if it was not prepopulated. If the student's phone number is unknown, put in any ten digits to add an employee, then either the supervisor or the employee can change this in the future.

Select a group and/or team that the employee will be a part of (optional). The first team of the group will be auto selected. NOTE: If there is not a team added to the group, the supervisor will need to create a team before an employee can be added to it.

Select one of three options for the employee’s role: Owner, Full-Time Employee, or Student, and select an appropriate job title for the new employee (required). More job titles can be added with different access levels in the Admin tab. Note: When a new department is created, some job titles are included by default. Choose an appropriate Access Range for the new employee (required). The number of semesters worked by the employee can also be entered. Verify that all information is correct and click the green Save button.

After the pop up closes, the new employee will be visible on the Manage Employees page. All employee information can be edited after the employee has been added.

To add employees by using a CSV, click the “Import CSV” button found towards the top of the page. A pop up will appear. To create a CSV, follow the instructions found in the tooltip or download a template CSV to download and populate.

Once the CSV is ready, choose a file or Drag and Drop the CSV into the given field. Any missing fields or invalid information will display an error message for the user. Verify employees before officially adding them into the respective department. If all information is correct, click on the green “Add” button, and employees imported from the CSV should be listed on the Manage Employees page.

The function of the Home Page is to create/edit Groups and Teams and check shift details.

Creating Groups

Select the “+ Group” button located on the sidebar. A popup will appear with a prompt to "Create a New Group." Set the group name, and select a group owner, which defaults to the department owner (required). Save the new group by clicking the green "Save" button.

Editing Groups

Select a group located on the sidebar, then click the edit icon next to the group name. A popup will appear with a prompt to "Edit Group." Edit the group name and/or group owner, which defaults to the department owner. Save changes by clicking the green “Save" button.

Once the groups, teams and employees have been set, shifts can be created in the Manage Semesters tab. Groups and semesters can be selected by using the menu on the left side of the page. The current semester should be displayed by default. If applicable, set the appropriate "Max Hours" for the semester. Exceptions can be added with the “+ Exception" button. Set a title and select the exception date (required).

Each of the three toggle buttons are optional. Count Semester can be set so the current semester will count towards the total amount of semesters an employee has worked. Open Registration allows students to register and unregister for shifts on the student side. Priority Registration can be set for students to sign up for shifts on a certain date dependent upon the number of semesters they have worked. If Priority Registration is turned on, enter these Priority Dates underneath the Priority Registration button. Click on “+ Priority Date,” and a pop up will appear. Select an appropriate date and semesters worked.

Create shifts by navigating to the green "+ New Shifts" button. Click this button, and a pop up will appear.

In the pop up, click on “+ New Shift," then select a team using the dropdown menu which should appear. Once a team is selected, there will be a New Shift pop up. Assign a shift name (required). If you selected “Manually Assign Shift Colors” when creating the team, you will have the option of selecting a shift color. NOTE: This color will be the color of the student employee's shift on the calendar. Enter Shift Name and select a date that the shift will start on. The date defaults to the start of the semester, or if the semester has already started, it will default to today’s date. Select a start and an end time (these will default to 8:00 am to 12:00 pm). Select whether the shift will “Never” repeat (one time occurring shift), repeat “Weekly”, or repeat “Monthly.” The start date defaults to the selected date and the end date defaults to the end of the semester.

There are two options for monthly repeating: "Each" and "On the." When you select "Each," you can choose which day of the month the shift will repeat on. "On the" has six options: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and/or Last day of the week the shift will repeat on. By default, the "Start Repeat" and the "End Repeat" default to the first and last day of the semester respectively. You can change the start and end repeat day if needed.

When Trainings have been added to your department, you can select which trainings are required for employees/supervisors before they can work the corresponding shift. NOTE: This filters out any employees/supervisors from the list of available employees if they do not match the trainings criteria.

Indicate the amount of positions available for employees and supervisors (required). You can either manually select which employees/supervisors will work on this shift, or you can indicate the amount of available positions and allow for students to register for these shifts on their own according to their own schedule.

This step can be done by toggling "Open Registration." NOTE: When an employee who is marked as “International” is selected to be part of a shift, a warning will appear to let supervisors know and to keep in mind that the employee cannot go over their hours and to coordinate with said employee and the International Office

Once an employee is added to the shift they can be removed from either clicking on the “-” button next to their name, or by editing the shift, or by toggling Open Registration, which allows for the employee to remove themselves from the shift if there is a scheduling conflict.

Review the newly created shift and hit the green button labeled “Create Shift” (required). This new shift should appear in the previous popup. You can create more shifts as needed, following the same steps as before. Any new shifts will show in the popup as a list to be added.

Once you have created thee desired amount of shifts, click the green button labeled “Save.”

The saved shifts will now appear in the “Shifts” table at the bottom of the Manage Semesters Page.