How Individual Quizzes will be Scored Skip to main content
A Service of the Center for Teaching & Learning

How Individual Quizzes will be Scored

(current as of version 1.0.0.X)


These instructions are directed at individual students who will be taking standard and point spreading quizzes. They will explain how answers will be selected and how those selections will be scored.

Standard Quizzes

Standard point quizzes are structured with 1 correct answer choice and 1 opportunity to select the correct answer.

Individual Quiz

If a wrong answer choice is selected, 0 points are awarded. If a correct answer choice is selected, full marks are awarded. This process is repeated for the full quiz, and the total score is evaluated by taking the ratio of right answers. For a 10 question quiz, 8 correct answers would result in a score of 8/10 or 80%. The amount of points available for each question will be provided by the system.

Point Spreading Quizzes

Point spreading quizzes are structured to allow partial credit for questions by providing n amount points which can be allocated to different answers. Points can be spread over several answers or combined on one answer. Credit for each question will be equal to the proportion of points allocated to the correct answer.
For example, on a four point question, if 3 points were placed on the correct answer and 1 point on an incorrect answer, the score would be 3 out of 4 points, or 75%, for that question. If confident in an answer choice, all points can be allocated to that single answer to receive full credit for that question. For challenging questions, point spreading (the spreading of points among several answers) affords an opportunity to receive partial credit.

Next Question

The amount of points left to allocate is given at the top of the answer choices. Assign points to the desired option(s) until all points are distributed. If more points are assigned than the question has given, an alert will appear and the option to proceed will be unavailable until the issue is resolved.

Overall Progress

The student has allocated too many points eliciting a warning. There is no button to allow them to proceed until the correct amount of points has been allocated.
All available points must be assigned. This process will repeat for each question of the quiz. Overall scoring will be based on the number of points the student allocated to each correct response. For example, if 1 out of 4 was scored on every question of a 10 question quiz, the sum of all those 1 out of 4 points results in an overall quiz score of 10 points out of 40, or 25%.