How to Join a Team and How to be a Team Captain
(current as of version 1.0.0.X)
Joining a Team
When participating in Team-Based Learning, it is necessary to form and participate in teams. This section will cover how to both create and join a team.
1. In order to join a team, you must first have access to your desired course and quiz. If you already have access, proceed to step 6.
2. There are two ways to join a course and quiz. Either ask your instructor to add you to the course manually, or obtain a quiz code from your instructor. If your instructor has added you to the course, continue to step 3. If your instructor has given you a code or URL, proceed to step 5.
3. In the My Courses page of Team-Based Learning, locate your desired course. Click the "Show Details" button to the right of that course.

4. Locate the quiz in which you wish to participate. Click the "Start Team Quiz" button to the right of the desired quiz. For instructions on how to join a team, continue to step 8.

5. If your instructor gave you a URL, enter that URL into your internet browser’s address bar (preferably Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox). If your instructor gives you an alphanumeric code, enter that code in the START NEW QUIZ box on the left.

6. Click the "Submit Quiz Code" Button.
7. When prompted, select your correct section. Click the "Submit" button.
8. Locate your team in the list. If your team has already been created, click the "Join Team" button to be added as a member of the team. If your team has not yet been created, click the "Create New Team" button in the top right corner of your screen.

Choosing a Team Captain
When taking a team quiz, a Team Captain must be selected. The selected Team Captain will be taking the quiz on behalf of the team in the Team-Based Learning system.
1. To begin, select the desired quiz and join the correct team.
2. A box containing Team Captain roles should appear. To the right is a list of team members. Each team member votes for their desired team captain by clicking the blue Vote button to the left of their name.

Taking a Team Quiz
Once a team captain has been selected, the captain is the only person who can input answers in the quiz. All participants can view the quiz in progress as the captain answers the questions.
1. Once you have selected the desired quiz and have been voted as team captain, click the "Start Quiz" button to take the quiz.

Note: If you have been selected as the Team Captain and do not see the "Start Quiz" button, refreshing your browser should correct the problem.