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Submit Your Ratings

Student ratings are usually available 3 weeks (semester) or 2 weeks (term) before the first day of finals. Please see the ratings schedule for full details.

Submit your ratings - FAQ

  • After you have completed the rating for a course, a checkbox will appear on the course list allowing you to release your name. You can change your mind as many times as you wish up until the end of the ratings period. It is not necessary to provide your name in the comments. Faculty will receive comments after your grade is assigned.

  • Some first block courses are actually listed as semester courses in registration. Please check back towards the end of the semester to see if the course will be rated then.

  • Research at BYU and other institutions has shown that a student's perceived performance on the final examination can negatively influence the data. In order to avoid this bias, we don't allow ratings to be submitted after finals. In simpler terms, we don't want the 2 most frustrating hours of the course to influence 4 months of teaching and class involvement.

  • Allowing students to change the data they have provided affects the quality of the data collected. In order to make sure faculty and administrators receive accurate feedback, we don't allow any data to be changed after it has been submitted.

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