Find Your Ratings Reports
Student ratings are stored and grouped by course and section. To view student ratings, select a specific course and section to view.
1. Navigate to and click View Student Ratings reports located in the Faculty and Adminstrators section.

2. Click View Reports.

3. Colleges, departments, courses, and sections are hierarchically ordered on the left side of the screen. Select the correct college, department, course and then section you wish to view comments for. Click on the arrows to drill down and see everything listed under a specific area.

The student ratings report appears. From here you can print reports, read student comments, and view response rates.
Find Your Ratings Reports - FAQs
Toggle ItemWhen are semester reports available?
Check the Student Ratings Schedule. They are generally available one week after the grade submission deadline, as we need all university grade scores to calculate the averages.
Toggle ItemHow do I view ratings for past semesters?
All student ratings system reports can be found at
Toggle ItemIs a summary report available to chairs?
A summary report for an individual faculty's results is available at If you have suggestions about the kinds of reports you would like to run from the student ratings data, please send that information to Kirsten Thompson (2-8151).
Toggle ItemWhere can I view a copy of the online student rating form?
Click here to view an example of the online student rating form.