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A Service of the Center for Teaching & Learning

Updates to YPoll

This list is updated just before the beginning of each semester, which is the usual window new features are added.


Last updated: 09-06-2024
Updates for Version


  • Creating a YPoll user account with a personal email has been temporarily removed.

New Features

  • No new features.

Planned Features

  • Users will be able to organize decks into folders.
  • Export user responses to a csv file. (This feature exists but only to export users and their scores.)
  • Having scores be sent to Canvas. (This feature already exists for Learning Suite.)

Features being Considered

The following features are being researched and designed, but no plans exist to implement them.

  • Acquire user location to possibly prevent users outside a certain region from joining polls.
  • Hot spot image question type.
  • Ability to group users into a team.
  • Gamification elements such as a scoreboard.