Connecting to Learning Suite
You can push grades from YPoll to Learning Suite automatically. Follow the steps below to connect your assignments. When connecting your question decks, all users will lose access to a join code because all users must now exclusively access the polling session through Learning Suite. Users will now go to the assignment you connected to your polling session in Learning Suite and launch the URL from there.
1. In YPoll, go to the specific question deck you want to connect to Learning Suite and click on the three-dot menu. Then click Edit Questions.

2. Click on the gear icon at the top left corner. Then be sure to checkmark Learning Suite. With Learning Suite enabled, there will be no join code as participants are expected to access the polling session through Learning Suite (by logging into Finally, click Save and Exit at the bottom right corner.

3. By clicking on your question deck, you should see that your polling sessions now have a “School” icon (see below). Click on that icon. If you don’t have a polling session, click Start a Poll at the top.

4. Click on Copy LTI Link. LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability, the agreed upon standards that allow learning tools, like YPoll, to communicate with Learning Management Systems, like Learning Suite and Canvas.

5. Now go to Learning Suite. Choose External Plugin from the Type menu at the top and add the other details. Then from among the tabs at the top, switch to External Plugin.

6. Choose BYU YPoll from the Global Module menu, paste the link from STEP #4 in the URL field. Double check that your link isn’t simply, it should include some other information, e.g. Then click Save.

And that’s it. Your assignment in Learning Suite will now connect to your polling session when users go to launch the assignment.
7. When you are ready to receive your scores, from YPoll, click Submit All Scores for that polling session.