Faculty Overview
Faculty Guide
PA Track is an app built for performing arts classes, as a way to grade and hold auditions and classroom events which are best served through adjudication and juries. The app is used to create events which students can register for, each student can then be evaluated by faculty and administration for the event. To assist users in navigating the website, this guide has been created to explain its functionality and processes. If you have any additional questions or feedback, such as bugs or feature recommendations, please do not hesitate to submit a feedback ticket. This can be accomplished by navigating to the feedback page located on the navigation bar of this site or by using the feedback widget on the PA track website.
The PA track website is centered on events, which can be created by faculty members for students to sign up for. Event creators/coordinators may select jurors to evaluate the registered students, who can then leave notes and feedback for the students and/or other jurors using the adjudication process.
Creating an Event:
Creating an event involves providing basic information, such as the event name, date of adjudication, time, location, description, event coordinator, and event tags. The event details include whether the event is a multi-phase event, rubrics, results, and jurors. Multi-phase events have several phases, each with a unique name, date, time, location, rubric, result type, and jurors. Rubrics and result types may be chosen from pre-existing options or created by the faculty member. Jurors may be assigned using the “assign jurors” button, and it is possible to select students as jurors. It is also possible to keep jurors anonymous from students by checking the “is anonymous” box.
Registration options for events include modifying the order students will appear in adjudication, creating registration questions that may be optional or required, and changing the student order from the event registration page after the event is created. The event cards seen on the “Events” page provide a quick overview of an event and include the event name, date, and registration information. Tags can be created and managed by administrators in the admin settings, and faculty members can assign tags to their events.
Basic Information
* = required field
*Event Name:
The name of the event.
The date adjudication will take place. Note if it is a multi-phase event each phase will have it’s own separate date.
Defaults to midnight if a date is selected.
Used to indicate a location for the event. Ex: RB 277
Used to provide students with a description or any useful information for the event.
Event Coordinator:
Defaults to the current user. Event Coordinators are able to manually edit registration, and can edit event options (the ones found in the event creation page) after the event has been created. To edit an event after it has been created either click on the gear/settings icon on the event card or click into the event and click “edit event” on the top right of the page.
Event Tags:
Tags can be assigned to an event to make it easier to search for.
Event Details
Connect to LMS:
Checking this box will change the configuration of this event to be used as an external plugin assignment in your preferred Learning Management System (LMS). A global configuration consumer key and secret is in the works, but for now the key and secret will need to be copied from the LTI settings page by an admin to be entered into the LMS assignment settings. To get the LTI link/url to the event go to the Event page by clicking on the event and click the “Copy LTI Link” button and the link will automatically be copied to your clipboard.
Multi-Phase Event:
If checked will make the event multi-phase. Multi-phase events can have 2 or more phases. To create another phase simply click on the “+ Add Phase” button. Each phase will have a unique name, date, time, location, rubric, result type, and jurors.
Used to assign a rubric. Once a rubric is selected it is possible to view the specific criteria and scores in that rubric. Faculty may create a new rubric that will automatically activate and be assigned to the event being created.
Used to assign a result type. Once a result type is selected it is possible to view the specific options in that result type. Admin may create a new result type that will automatically activate and be assigned to the event being created.
Displays assigned jurors to the phase/event. Click the “X” to remove any jurors from a phase/event.
Assign Jurors:
Click this button to assign jurors and reviewing admin. On the pop up there are three search bars. The top one can be used to assign both reviewing admin and jurors while the other two only allow for the assignment of one or the other. Note that students can be selected to be jurors.
Is anonymous:
Checking this box will hide the names of the jurors from students when they go to see their scores. Students will instead only see their names display as “Juror 1”, “Juror 2”, etc.
Registration Options
Registration Opens:
Defaults to today if left empty.
Registration Closes:
Defaults to event time if left empty.
Order Students By:
Used to modify the order students will appear in adjudication. The default is the registration order but the options also exist to order students alphabetically or randomly. Note that it is possible to individually customize the student order from the event registration page after the event is created.
Order # Begins At:
Changes what number the student list starts at.
Registration Questions
When creating an event, it is possible to create registration questions. Registration questions can be made optional or required by toggling the “Required” box. Write the desired question in the “Question” box. There are two available question answer types. Text will display a simple text box. Link answer types will attempt to make a link on the adjudication page using the students answer, however the links will only work if the student enters in a properly formatted link. For example, byu.edu will not work but https://www.byu.edu
Event Cards
The event cards seen on the “Events” page provide a quick overview of an event and include the event name, date, and registration information. At the top of each box is the event name and the date it’s adjudication starts. Below is an indication of what stage in the process an event is, either Adjudication in Progress (at least one adjudication has begun but scores have not been published) or Scores Published. The event cards also display registration information and any provided description for the event.
Tags can be created and managed by administrators in the admin settings, and faculty members can assign tags to their events. All users can use the tag filters on the left side of the “Events” Page. Faculty can assign any number of tags to an event that they create.
The Event Page and the Registration Page
Clicking on an event card will open up the event page. The event page is where jurors can begin the adjudication process by clicking on the adjudicate button. The event coordinator may also enter edit mode from this page, and view information on jurors and registration by clicking the associated buttons.
The Registration page for an event is opened by clicking the “Registration” button from the event page. Here, you can see the students registered for the event, and manage them. This consists of changing their registration order, either manually or with the buttons at the top, or removing their registration by clicking the X on the right. You can also get a PDF for printing with the order of students by clicking “Print”. You may also register students who haven’t registered yet by selecting them on the left and then clicking “Register Selected Students”.
Rubrics can be managed in the “Rubrics” page. Created rubrics will first be placed in the “Rubric Drafts”. Rubrics in the draft category are unable to be used in events until activated. Activated Rubrics may be deactivated, but it should be noted that any events using this rubric will maintain its use even after the rubric is deactivated.
Creating New Rubrics
Rubric Name:
Name of the Rubric
Rubric Description:
Description of the Rubric
Rubric Owner:
Defaults to the current user. Admin have the ability to edit the rubric owner or check a box making the rubric available to all users. The default setting will only allow the rubric owner to use that rubric in their events.
Criteria defines where points are earned in an event, with the specific categories and the weight of each category specified by the amount of points.
Result Types
Result types are used to indicate outcomes for each student in an event. Similar to Rubrics, Result types will typically start in the drafts section and will be unavailable for use in events unless activated. Result Types have result options. Result options are selectable in the adjudication page to determine the kind of outcome for each student.
Creating New Result Types (Admin Only)
Currently, only users with admin roles are able to create new result types. A result type can have any amount of result options.
Adjudication Page
The adjudication page is the culmination of an event. Jurors may begin adjudication for an event as soon as students are registered, but should be aware that once the first juror begins adjudication will lock the ability to edit the rubric and result type used for that event.
Within the adjudication page jurors will fill in scores for each criteria in the rubric. Depending on how the event rubric is scored, the overall score will be either a total or an average of each criteria.
Comments and Comment Visibility
Jurors have the ability to leave comments on each criteria, and in addition have the ability to determine if each individual comment will be visible to the student when they go to see their published scores. This allows jurors to have privacy if they would prefer to leave comments only for other jurors and the admin review to see. At the bottom of all of the comments column, next to the overall score, is a feedback box. Any comments left in the feedback box will always be shared with students, so that jurors have a way to leave feedback even if they don’t want to share any of their comments with students but would still like to communicate with the student on their performance. Comments start with their setting set to private, meaning students will not see any comments unless changed.
Note on Navigating to Different Students
When navigating between students using the “next” and “previous” buttons, any completed students names will turn green marking them as finished. If any scores are left empty, a message will display informing the juror that the current adjudication is incomplete. It is possible to bypass this warning. It is also possible to to navigate to any student by clicking on their name on the registration list on the right.
Student Profile
On the left side of the adjudication page an overview of the current student’s profile. Along with basic information is a button that allows adjudicators to mark a student as absent from an event. This will remove them from the normal adjudication flow. Absent students will be moved to the red “No Shows” area on the right side of the screen. Below the student information is a list of courses the student has enrolled in, and below that any the student’s responses to registration questions will display. Link questions will have a “Link” hypertext available that will automatically direct adjudicators to any properly formatted links submitted in a new tab.
Admin Review Page
After adjudication, jurors and reviewing admin have the opportunity to collaborate and review every students score. Scores are only able to be published from this page, either individually per student or for the whole event, using the buttons on the top right of the page. On the admin review page there is the ability to edit any scores previously given but not comment visibility.
Submitting Scores to LMS
If an event has the connect to LMS setting checked (found in event details) then publishing any scores will automatically post the grade to the connected LMS. If publishing all scores, a success confirmation will pop up for each student. Unpublishing scores will not remove grades from the LMS, but re-publishing will update the scores in the LMS. PLEASE NOTE: the passed in grade is the admin final score at the top of each students profile. Review each score before submitting to an LMS.
We hope that this guide has been helpful in explaining the PA track website's features and functions. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us through the feedback page or the feedback widget on the website.