Creating & Editing Decks Skip to main content
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Creating & Editing Decks

Create a Deck

On the homepage, click the + icon next to Recently Viewed. A new deck will pop up where you can add a title and searchable tags, a cover, and a deck description. Click Save on the bottom right of the deck to create it.

Add Cards to a Deck

From the homepage, click on your deck, then click on the + icon to add a new card. To the right of the + icon is a pencil icon that you can use to edit your deck.

From the homepage, click on your deck, then click on the three dots icon. Select the first drop down, Import Cards, and fill out the pop-up screen. This feature will allow BYU Flashcards to do the work of processing your notes into flashcards. Be sure to select how the program should determine what is to be a new slide and new card.

Add a Folder

On the homepage, click the + icon next to Your Folders in the center. Fill out the folder name and press save on the bottom right.

To add decks to a folder, click on the desired folder. There are two options: New Deck creates a new deck in the folder, and Add Decks to Folder moves existing decks to the folder. In the Add Decks to Folder pop-up, select the desired decks and press save on the bottom right.

Delete a Deck

Open the deck and click the three dots icon. Select the last option, delete deck, from the pop-up window.