Updates to TL Review Skip to main content
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Updates to TL Review

This list is updated just before the beginning of each semester, which is the usual window new features are added.


Last updated: 11-22-2024
Updates for Version

New Features

  • Added a Final Team Evaluation piece to projects. At the end of a project, team members are given points to distribute amongst all team members, the more points, the greater the contribution. There is a space for comments on why points were distributed the way they were. All this is hidden from team members; you can only see your points and comments. For example, if in a three person team of A, B, and C, if A did their part, B did not do their part, and C did their part and B's part, then A could mention that and give themself 100 points, B zero points, and C 200 points.

Planned Features

  • The Final Team Evaluation is being iterated upon and is currently in testing. There are plans to enrich the feature further.