How do I connect to Learning Suite?
Use the following steps to connect your assignment in Learning Suite to TL Review. When you connect an assignment to Learning Suite, you will be able to push grades from TL Review straight into Learning Suite.
- In TL Review, go to Projects. Create a new project or edit an existing project. Be sure to check the box that says LTI.
- With the LTI box checked, when you save and exit, a new button that says Copy LTI Link will be available next to your project. Click this button to save the link to your clipboard.
- Now go to Learning Suite. Choose External Plugin from the Type menu at the top and add the other details. Then from among the tabs at the top, switch to External Plugin.
- Choose BYU TL Review from the Global Module menu, paste the link from STEP #2 in the URL field. Double check that your link isn’t simply, it should include some other information, e.g. .... Then click Save.
- When you are ready to receive your scores, go to TL Review > Grades, then you can submit individual grades (“Submit to LS”) or click “Submit all scores to LS” for that assignment.