Navigate to one of your Learning Suite courses. Click the Grades tab or Home tab and choose Assignments from the left navigation.
1. Find the name of the assignment you want to submit. Click on the green Submit button on the same line.
2. Click the Choose File button to select and upload your file. The file will be listed in the dialog box above the notes. If the assignment allows multiple files uploaded, you can select multiple files to upload at the same time. You can also click the Choose Files button to submit multiple files to the assignment one at a time. Multiple files will be listed as in the image below.
Add any notes (optional) and click Submit.
You can also click the name of the file on the Assignments page to see the assignment details. The submit/resubmit process is the same as above.
3. A green dialog box will appear in the top right, indicating your file(s) was/were successfully uploaded.
If you would like to review your submission or resubmit the assignment, click on the View/Submit link on the Assignments page.
Note: You can resubmit files up until the assignment deadline. If your instructor has permitted late submissions, you can submit them up until the end of the semester but they will be marked late.
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On the assignments page, Turnitin will be to the right of Submit if the assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. Click Submit. Students will see a popup explaining how to use Turnitin.
Click View/Submit via Turnitin. Students will see a dashboard where they can upload their assignment.
Click Upload Submission. An upload box will appear.
Click Choose File and select the assignment from the computer files.
Click Upload and Review.
A preview of the document will appear. If the details look accurate, click Submit to Turnitin.
If the submission is successful, the next screen will display, Submission Complete.
Once the assignment has been reviewed, students can view feedback by selecting the percentage under Similarity.
The feedback will then appear.
Note: After submission, students may need to wait 5-10 minutes before an assignment has been fully reviewed.
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Self-Report Attendance
Self-Report Attendance
1. Locate the correct attendance assignment and select Submit, located in the Submission column.
2. A calendar appears. Class days are listed in blue. There are two options for reporting attendance: attended, late, and absent.
Note: Students cannot report “excused” days. In order to be excused from attendance, the instructor or TA will need to enter the grade.
3. Click the day to report attendance for. Select the corresponding icon that appears.
4. Repeat this process for as many days are needed.
Days that have been reported appear with an attended or absent icon beneath the date. Click Save.
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Accessing RedShelf
Redshelf is an online textbook site that students can use to access their online textbook.
1. Once in the Learning Suite course, click the RedShelf tab.
2. Once directed to the BYU Redshelf website, create an account.
3. Click Log In. Then Create an account. Complete the account creation process.
Buy a Textbook
If the textbook is not automatically added to the student's shelf through their registered classes, they can buy the textbook manually.
1. In the search bar near the top, input the textbook information (found on the instructor's syllabus).
2. Find your book in the results and click on the blue view details button.
3. Choose the access plan from the box on the right side of the page labeled Rent or buy from...
4. Choose to rent it for a specific number of days listed or buy it permanently. The price will vary depending on what offer you choose.
5. Once chosen, click Add to Cart beneath the options.
6. After all your textbooks are in your cart, click the Cart option on the homepage next to the search bar.
7. Review your selected textbooks and click Proceed to Check Out at the top or bottom of the page. Complete the Order by purchasing the textbook(s).
Opting out of automatically buying a textbook
Textbooks can be set to be automatically purchased for all students in a class. A student can also opt out of this to prevent this action.
1. Click on your profile name in the top right corner. Select My Courses.
2. Click the hyperlink underneath View Course Materials that says View course details to opt out of course materials. This is only available before the add/drop deadline.
3. At the bottom of the screen. click the gray button that says I want to opt out of access for all required materials for this course.
Accessing the bookshelf
The bookshelf is where a student can find their online textbooks.
1. Click on your profile name in the top right corner of the page.
2. Select My Shelf to view a page listing all your textbooks. Click the Start Reading button for the textbook to read.
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If your instructor is using iClicker in the course, you must register the iClicker with BYU's local database.
1. Go to and log in with the BYU Net ID and password.
2. Ensure your first and last name are accurate, along with your Net ID.
3. Enter the iClicker Number in the textbox. This number is found under the barcode on the back of the iClicker.
4. Click Submit
5. Now once in the classroom, set your iClicker to the correct frequency (usually displayed in the classroom).
The iClicker will now be connected to your course.
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Gradescope is an online submission platform that allows students to upload images and documents for digital viewing and grading by an instructor or TA.
To Access Gradescope
1. In your course, click Gradescope on the toolbar tab. A new tab will open to Gradescope’s website,
2. Click Sign Up.
3. Click Sign Up as Student. Enter the Course Entry Code provided by your professor as well as your name, email address, and student ID number.