Learning Suite Basics Skip to main content

Learning Suite Basics

Top Ten Tips for Using BYU Learning Suite:

1. The best way to overview what material you have in all your classes is to use the combined schedule. Access the combined schedule by clicking All Courses, then Combined Schedule. This tool lays out your entire week with due dates for assignments and lecture topics for each class.

2. The combined calendar also gives you the option to submit and mark as complete any assignment without needing to navigate to a different page. After clicking mark as complete on any assignment, the font and the color on the calendar will change, making it easy to distinguish what you have already completed.

3. Each course on Learning Suite includes a Grades tab. Under this tab, there are three different choices: Assignments, Grade Scale, and What If Calculator. The next three tips will explain each of these tabs and their importance.

4. The Assignments tab will show you your current assignments for the class, including both ones you have submitted and have yet to submit. After an assignment has been submitted and graded, you will be able to view your score, your percentile, and any instructor feedback. This will be very useful in seeing how you are doing in the class.

5. The Grade Scale tab includes the grade scale specified by the instructor for that specific course. This is helpful to see what percentage corresponds with each letter grade.

6. The What If Calculator shows your current course progress. It also allows you to put in hypothetical scores on future assignments to see what you need to get to receive certain grades. For example, if you need an A, you can calculate what assignments you need to do well on in order to earn that grade.

7. The Content tab is a useful tool to find all the course documents your instructor has uploaded in one location. Your instructors will publish the readings and any other related files you need for the course under the content tab.

8. Quizzes and exams can be administered and taken on Learning Suite. Before starting the exam, a message will pop up including the instructor’s instructions for the exam. These instructions could include the time limit for the exam, what resources are allowed, and the number of times you can take the exam.

9. Learning Suite has an internal messaging system that allows you to communicate directly with the people in your class, or your professors. You can access the messages by clicking on the envelope in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Before messaging your professors on Learning Suite, check the syllabus to see if their preferred method of contact is email. You might get a quicker response emailing instead of messaging them on Learning Suite.

10. The Online tab is a central place where your instructor can add any online resources. Instructors may integrate Zoom into their course, which allows the students to join the Zoom class by clicking Join. TA lab hours and other group projects can be set up under the online tab as well. Click here for more information about the online tab.

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