Troubleshooting Skip to main content


  • Q: Are my answers saved automatically in the exam?
    • A:  Your answers are not saved automatically. Your answers are saved when you navigate to another page in the exam or when you click the Save Progress button. 
  • Q: What should I do if my browser suddenly closes when I am in the middle of an exam?
    • A: Your answers are not saved automatically, so please make sure to save your answers regularly (Save Progress) regularly. before refreshing a page to troubleshoot an error. 
  • Q: What should I do if my browser suddenly freezes when I am in the middle of an exam?
    • A: Your answers are not saved automatically, so please make sure to save your answers regularly (Save Progress). Refreshing the browser page can usually solve most browser or display issues.
  • Q: I keep seeing different error messages while I try to take the exam. What should I do?
    • A: There are many reasons why an error message could appear in your browser. Your answers are not saved automatically, so please make sure to save your answers (Save Progress) before refreshing a page to troubleshoot an error. If refreshing does not resolve the issue, make a note of the error message or take a screen shot of it, and contact the OIT Service Desk by calling 801.422.4000 or chat
  • Q: The images inside my exam aren’t showing up on my computer. What should I do?
    • A: There are many reasons why the images inside the exam aren’t showing up in your browser ranging from issues with your browser to technical glitches with the exam. Make sure your OS and browser are up-to-date before taking the exam. If you need help because you are unable to view images during an exam, please contact the OIT Service Desk by calling 801.422.4000 or chat