Syllabus Skip to main content


The course syllabus will provide information about the course and is created by the instructor. Typically, syllabi contain contact information for the instructor(s) and TA(s), the schedule, grading scales and grading policies, as well as other structural information relevant to the course.

1. Navigate to a specific course and click on the Syllabus tab in the top navigation bar.

Screenshot showing the tabs at the top of the page including the syllabus tab
Photo by Kirsten Thompson

Note: If the course does not have a Syllabus tab, it has not been enabled by the instructor and the instructor will distribute a syllabus via another method.

2. The Syllabus page will have one of three delivery methods displayed:


Download Syllabus Option
Photo by Kirsten Thompson

Link to Website

View syllabus by linking to the website where the syllabus is located
Photo by Kirsten Thompson

Learning Suite Syllabus

The Learning Suite syllabus is built-in to the course. Use the left navigation to access the different sections of the course syllabus.

Screenshot of the different sections in the syllabus (located on the left navigation menu)
Photo by Kirsten Thompson

Note: Instructors can choose the content available in the syllabus and the order of the sections, so each course navigation will vary.

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