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Grading Assignments

  • Instructors can score and leave feedback on students's assignments through the Grader (if the assignments were turned in through Learning Suite). PDF's are usually the most compatible with the Grader, especially when preserving formatting.

    There are two ways to open Grader:

    1. Under BYU Grades, click the arrow next to your assignment's name and select Open Grader from the drop-down menu.
    2. Select Assignments and under the Scoring column, click Score.

    1. Once in the grader, select a student from the dropdown menu to grade their assignment.

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    2. Once a specific student is selected, the instructor can see the files submitted. If the file is compatible with Learning Suite, a preview will be available. If not, the instructor can download the file by expanding the timestamp and clicking Download.

    3. Enter their score in the Score box. Check Excuse this student to have that assignment no longer considered in their overall grade.

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    5. If the file is compatible with Learning Suite and there is a preview of the file, the instructor has the option to add an annotation. An annotation allows the professor to highlight a specific portion of the file and add a comment.

    a. To add an annotation, click + Annotation in the top right corner.

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    b. Drag the mouse over the area to annotate. A box will appear. Enter the title of the annotation (optional) in the first box. The second box shows what it highlighted. Type the feedback in the third box. Click Save.

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    c. The student will now be able to see where the annotations are and expand them to see the comment.

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    4. Leave feedback by expanding the menu. Record an audio or video file by clicking Record Feedback. Type in the text box to leave text feedback. Click Choose File to add an attachment to feedback.

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    5. History allows the instructor to see any score history. It will show what scores have been entered, when they were entered, and who entered them.

    6. Instructor Notes provides a text box where an instructor can leave notes that students cannot see.

    Once a student's assignment is completed, click the > button or select from the dropdown to go to the next student.

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    1. Click BYU Grades and then Scores. This gradebook is where scores can be manually entered.
    2. Students’ names will be listed along the left-hand side alphabetically, and assignments will be listed along the top. Find the assignment you want to score and click the box corresponding to the correct student.

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    3. Enter the correct score. Press enter to proceed down the column to the next student.

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    4. If the assignment has been submitted online, you can view the details of an assignment and grade it by clicking on the paper icon that appears in the score entry box.

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    5. The Grader will open. The score can be entered in the text box in the menu on the left.

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  • Instructors can view assignments as individual students in their course. When doing this, instructors can submit assignments as one of their students.

    1. Under Home or BYU Grades, click Assignments.
    2. Click Go to Student View in the top right corner.
    3. Click dropdown to the right of Viewing to open a list of all students in the course.


    4. Select a student to view the Assignments page as.

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    5. Find a desired assignment to submit.
    6. a) If the selected student has not submitted for the selected assignment, click Submit under the Submission column to open up the submission popup 
      Note: Pressing the assignment’s name to expand the Assignment Details Box and then pressing Submit there will also open the submission popup.

      b) If the selected student has previously submitted for the selected assignment, click View/Submit under Submission column to open the Assignment Details Box to the View/Resubmit tab. Then click Resubmit to open the submission popup.
      Note: Pressing the assignment’s name to expand the Assignment Details Box, Pressing the View/Resubmit tab and then pressing Resubmit there will also open the submission popup.

    7. Press Choose File and select the desired file to submit
    8. (Optional) Add any submission notes in the Notes text box.

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    9. Press Submit to submit the assignment

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      Note: Instructors can see who submitted files and assignments in behalf of the student. To do so, open the Grader for the assignment, select a specific student, and hover over the green icon next to the submission. A box will appear, displaying who submitted the assignment on behalf of the student.

  • Instructors can view all past scores given to each assignment or exam. Average scores given by different graders can also be viewed. This can be useful to monitor TA grading to ensure that the class as a whole is being graded fairly.

    1. Under BYU Grades and on the Scores page, open the drop down menu of the desired assignment by clicking the arrow next to its title. Click Open Score History.

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    2. The Score History dialog window for the specific assignment opens. Next to each student's name, the score given (or deleted) from each user is listed.

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    3. To see the average grade given by each instructor/TA, click Show Grader Averages in the top left corner.

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    3. The graders’ names, their role, the number of scores they graded, and the average score they awarded students will be listed in the table that appears.

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    • For assignment types, the overall grade inputted in the Grader or scores page is recorded by each grader. If using rubric scoring, the history is recorded, but does not contribute to graders' averages.
    • For exam types, the overall grade inputted in the scores page is recorded in score history and average for each grader. However, scores inputted for specific questions in the Grader (such as open response) is recorded under the grader, "Learning Suite user," and does not contribute to grader averages. Learning Suite does not record the grader of individual exam questions.