Exam Setup
Toggle ItemExam Setup
To navigate to the Exams Setup page, choose the desired course and click on the Exams tab. Click Setup in the Exams menu.
The setup page lists three options:
- Use BYU Learning Suite Exams: This feature enables exams to be created within Learning Suite. Click Use BYU Learning Suite Exams. Check Allow my exams to be copied to allow other instructors to copy exams created.
- Notes:
- Primary instructors can copy their own exams from any semester/term without selecting this option. See the Copying Exams section on this page for more information on copying your own exams.
- Exams created using Learning Suite Exams are automatically added to Assignments, BYU Grades, Schedule, and Syllabus tabs.
- Notes:
- Link to another website: Select the Link to another website radio button. Enter the desired website URL. This option does not synchronize exams with other Learning Suite platforms.
- Do not include exams: This option will not display the Exams tab for students. Select the Do not include exams radio button.
After selecting the setup option, click Save and Continue.
Note: Instructors can also use Learning Suite Exams in other learning management systems, such as Max and Canvas. See Copying Exams below.
- Use BYU Learning Suite Exams: This feature enables exams to be created within Learning Suite. Click Use BYU Learning Suite Exams. Check Allow my exams to be copied to allow other instructors to copy exams created.
Toggle ItemCreate an Exam
1. Select the Exams tab and click on +Create New Exam. The New Assignment editor will pop up.
2. The assignment type will be Exam and the delivery method is BYU Learning Suite by default. A red asterisk identifies required information.
3. Click through the tabs along the top of the window to access more advanced settings.
For example, the Exceptions tab allows instructors to change the availability time and date and/or extend the time limit for specified students. See below for detailed instructions on all options for exams.4. Click Save and go to Questions to add questions or click Save to the general settings and add questions later.
5. Click on +New Question to add a new question or choose one of the options.
Learning Suite offers a number of different question types:
- True/False
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Response
- Open Response
- Fill in the Blank
- Matching
- Date
- Short Text
- Number
- Hot Spot
Click here to learn more about each of these questions.
6. Click Continue once the questions are complete. Review the Exam information and click Publish to make the exam viewable to students. They cannot open the exam until the Open Date and Time.
Toggle ItemBasic Settings
The General tab allows instructors to set basic exam information.
- Type/Delivery: By default, these options are set to Exam and BYU Learning Suite when this window is accessed through Learning Suite Exams. These options cannot be edited here, but can be edited in Learning Suite Assignments.
- Title: Enter a title. This is the name of the exam that students will see.
- Description: (optional) Enter a description in the text box.
- Category: Select a category for the exam.
- Points Possible: Select either Automatically calculate points possible from question values or Scale the exam score to ___ points. Input the desired number of scaled points.
- Open Date/Close Date: Select the Open and Close Dates.
- Points Possible: Enter the points possible if the option to scale the exam score is enabled (see other "point possible" above).
Toggle ItemAdvanced Settings
Graded: Select whether the exam is Graded or Ungraded.
Points Possible: Select from the two available options: calculate points possible from the combined point value for each question or scale to a specified point value.
Adjusted Points Possible: This option bases scores on the entered value as they are recorded. Another option is to set the adjusted points after all scores are recorded to curve the scores.- Example: If an assignment is created to have 100 total points possible but the adjusted points possible is set to 90, then all scores are graded against 90 points. This means if a student scored 90 out of 100 total points possible, a 90 out of 90 or 100% would be recorded in the gradebook. Any student who scores higher than 90 points will receive greater than 100% for an assignment.
Weight: If the course is using weighted categories, the instructor needs to enter the exam weight.
Score Method: Select whether the score entry will be in Points, Percent, Letter Grade, or based on a Rubric.
Extra Credit: Select this option if the exam is extra credit. Students will not be penalized for not completing the assignment.
Exclude: Select this option to not include the exam score in the Final Grade. The assignment is scored but is not included in the final grade calculation. If selected, the option hide the exam on the scores page appears.
Passing Score Required: Select this option to enter a passing score required for course credit.
Minimum Score: Select this option to enter a minimum possible score.
Do Not Drop: Select this option to not allow the exam score to be dropped.Scheduling
Open Date/Close Date: Select the open and close dates of the exam using the calendar date-picker and dropdown menus.
Hide Assignment Until: The exam can be hidden to students until a specified date using the calendar date-picker and dropdown menus.
Reporting: This portion of the window contains options regarding what students can see either immediately after taking the exam or on a specified date. Options include:- Their score
- The exam questions and instructor comments
- Feedback with student responses marked correct or incorrect
- The correct answer for each exam question
- The exam even if they did not take it (for on a specified date only)
Repeat: Click on the drop down menu to see options to set a recurring exam.
Exam Options
- Online: for students to take the exam electronically on Learning Suite.
- Paper: for students to take the exam in class or in the Testing Center.
Note: Selecting the Paper option removes the proctoring options.
- Create multiple randomized forms of this exam: to create randomized exam forms. Select the Number of forms from the drop-down menu (up to five).
- Show only one question per page: for students to view only one question per page as they take the exam.
- Set a time limit for taking this exam: for students to have a time limit. Type the exam’s time limit in the hours and minutes text boxes.
- Allow students to take this exam more than once: to allow students to take the exam more than once. If this is selected, additional options are available such as defining how many times they can take it, whether they can retake the test, whether there are penalties for retaking the exam, the allowed time between attempts, and which score to record in the gradebook.
- Allow students to save, exit the exam, and submit it later: to allow students to save, exit, and submit the exam later. If this is selected, a time limit cannot be applied to the exam.
- Allow late submissions (beta): Select an End Date and Time. After this date, students will not be able to submit the exam.
(Optional) Check Penalty. Select Points or Percent. Input a number for the penalty. Select the Flat penalty option to penalize the same amount for all late submitted exams or select the Every option and select time frame from the dropdown to penalize an increasing amount for every time frame that has passed.
- Allow only certain computers access to this exam: to limit access to the exam to certain computers. If selected, an IP Address Range can be entered, along with an optional name for that range. Click add another IP range to add another range of IP addresses.
- Require a password to take this exam: to require a password that students enter to take the exam. Click the eye icon to see the password.
- Simple Proctor: Check the box and enter the desired frequency for random photo capture. Click Save.
- After the exam closes, go to the Exam List Page and click Options next to the exam name. Choose View Results from the dropdown menu. Click on View Results in the Proctoring column for each student you want to review.
The dialog box shows the screenshots of the student taken at the desired frequency. Gray boxes indicate when the student began the exam, left the tab, returned to the tab, and finished and submitted the exam. Learning Suite will store images for 6 months.
- What students see: Students are required to share their camera and will display a video image of the student in the Exam Information box.Photo by Kirsten Thompson
- Additional functionality will be added over the coming months.
- Proctorio: Select the checkbox next to “Use Proctorio.”
Choose the options from the four drop-down menus. For a description of each option, click the blue question mark for the inline help.- Record Options:
- Video: Requires the test taker to enable their webcam and records the webcam for the entire exam.
- Audio: Requires the test taker to have a microphone and records audio for the entire exam.
- Screen (default): Captures and records the full desktop screen for the entire exam.
- Web Traffic: Captures screenshots and URLs of any website visited during the exam.
- Room
- Room Start: Forces test taker to show entire room at the start of the exam.
- Room Intelligent: Forces test taker to show entire room at random intervals during the exam.
- Verify Options
- Video: Ensures the webcam is working and is not virtualized or broken.
- Audio: Ensures the microphone is working and is not virtualized or muted.
- Signature: Requires student to use a mouse to sign an academic integrity agreement.
- ID: Requires the test taker to present photo identification prior to starting the exam and will be automatically scanned.
- Force Options
- One Monitor: Forces test taker to disable all but one monitor before starting the exam.
- Disable Right Click: Prevents test takers from accessing contextual menus
- Full Screen
- Lenient: Forces the exam in full screen, preventing access to other applications and websites. Navigation away from the exam page for more than 30 seconds results in removal from the exam.
- Moderate: Navigating away from the exam page for more than 15 seconds results in removal from the exam.
- Severe: Navigating away from the exam page results in instant removal from the exam.
- Disable Print: Disables printing exam content to prevent distribution.
- Disable Downloads: Prevent the test taker from downloading files through the browser.
- Tabs
- No Tabs: Disables new tabs or windows during the exam.
- Links Only: Disables new tabs or windows during the exam except links embedded in the exam page.
- Close Tabs: Forces all other tabs and windows closed before starting the exam.
- Disable Clipboard: Disables copy/paste functions including screen printing and context menu.
- Additional Help
- Calculator
- Basic: Allows test takers to perform calculations using an on-screen calculator with basic functions.
- Scientific: Allows test takers to perform calculations using an on-screen calculator with scientific functions.
- White board: Allows test takers to use a scratch pad and drawing tools on-screen.
- Calculator
- Record Options:
The Exceptions tab allows instructors to add certain students, groups, or sections to an exceptions list for that particular exam or assignment. Exceptions can be a changed availability period or a changed time limit to the exam.
- + add/edit students: to add or edit the students that are allowed exceptions
- Change Availability: Click to change the open and close date and time of the exam.
- Change time limit: IF there is a time limit set on the exam, the instructor has the option to change the time limit for the student(s).
- Allow save and exit: Check to allow the student(s) to exit and re-enter the exam.
- Allow multiple attempts: The instructor can allow the student(s) to have more attempts.
Students and exceptions can be deleted from the list by clicking the trashcan icon.
+ Add new exception: Click to add a new exception.
For information about exceptions, such as creating course-wide exceptions that automatically apply to all exams and/or assignments, click here.
Instructors must create question(s) for their exams.
1. If in the Edit dialog box, click Save and go to Questions. If in the Exam List, click the ?'s icon under the Actions column.
2. (Optional) Add instructions for the exam by clicking Edit next to Exam Instructions.
Enter text and include files. These instructions will be displayed to students on the first page of the exam.Note: The max file size for files uploaded to an exam is 200 MB.
There are three different views in the Questions tab:
- expanded: shows all question information; the questions, point value, all possible answers, and an "explain your answer" textbox, if applicable. Additionally, the expanded view allows the instructor to show or hide any feedback that was added during question creation.
- preview: the exam preview. It allows instructors to view exam questions in the format they appear to students. The exam cannot be taken in this view. Click here for more information about taking the exam.
Note: Questions cannot be added to the exam in this view. - collapsed: This view shows limited information; the question, what type of question it is, point value, and the correct answer(s). It is helpful for quickly reviewing the exam.
Under the questions are the question options: + New question, + Add from Question Bank, + New question block, Import questions, and Export questions.
+ New Question
1. Click + New question and the New Question dialog box will appear.
2. There are 12 question types. The New Question dialog window will adjust according to the question type chosen.
Click here for more information about using each question type.
Add from Question Bank
1. Click + Add from Question Bank. The Question Bank window will appear.
2. Select which questions from the bank to insert into the exam.
Click here for more information about Question Banks.
+ New question block
1. Click the +New question block button at the bottom of the page. A dialog box will appear
2. Enter a title and a description into the appropriate text boxes. Select the desired settings:
- Randomize question order within this block: Questions in question blocks stay ordered and grouped together even if the instructor selected to create multiple randomized forms in the Options tab. The order can only be randomized if this option is selected.
- Restart question numbering: The first question in the block will be listed as number one, regardless of where it is located in the exam.
- Dynamic Question Block: These blocks randomly select a designated number of questions from a selected Question Pool from the Question Bank.
- Score X of Y: These blocks only grade a designated number of questions that are in its block.
Click here for more information about types of question blocks.
3. Click Save. The question block appears in blue.
4. Click the + button that appears between the beginning and the end of the block and then the +New question button that appears to add a new question to the block.
Import questions
1. Click Import questions. A dialog box appears.
2. Click Choose File and select the file to import. Learning Suite accepts Moodle XML and QTI version 2.1 XML.
3. Click Import.
Export Questions
1. Click Export questions. A dialog box appears. Select to export all questions or choose specific questions. Click Next.
2. Choose to export to Moodle XML format or QTI version 2.1 format. click Export.
Click Continue when finished with creating or editing questions.
- Questions can be reordered by dragging and dropping them.
- Students cannot view the exam until it has been published. Exams are published on the Summary tab. Instructors can navigate to any tab and change preferences after the exam has been created.
Toggle ItemCopying Exams
Allow Your Exams to be Copied
1. Select Setup from the Exams menu on the left side.
2. Select the Use BYU Learning Suite Exams radio button, if not already selected, and check the box next to Allow my exams to be copied.
Note: This is an all or nothing feature. If Allow my exams to be copied is checked, all exams created in Learning Suite could be copied by another instructor.
3. Click Save and Continue.
Copy Your Own Exams
Exams created in BYU Learning Suite can be copied from one semester to the same semester or from a past semester to a future semester. Before exams can be copied, the setting to allow exams to be copied must be enabled.
1. Refer to the previous section to allow your exams to be copied.
2. Once exams are allowed to be copied, they can be copied in two locations:
- The Home tab
- The Exams tab
The Home tab
1. Click Setup from the navigation menu on the left side. Then select Copy.
2. The Copy page appears. Select Copy from my course.
3. Click the semester and course drop down menus to select which semester and course to copy exams from.
Note: To copy an exam from the course section you are currently in, follow the instructions about copying exams in the Exams tab.
4. After the course has been chosen, select to Add to or Replace current course materials and information.
5. Check the box next to Exams in the What course materials and information should be copied? section. Click on the blue Exams text to expand the list and customize what exams will be copied and what category they will be copied to.
Note: Other course materials can also be copied at this time if allowed.
6. Click Copy Course. A Copy Complete dialog window appears.
The Exams Tab
1. Click Exams to be on the Exam List.
2. Exams can be copied in two ways.
3. To copy an exam from the current semester and course, click the Options drop down menu next to the desired exam and select Copy.
The exam may take a few seconds to copy and a message will appear across the top of Learning Suite once the copy is complete.
- The exam appears in the exam list with the same title and open and due dates as the original, but will not be published.
- IP restrictions and proctoring settings from original exam will not be copied over. These settings must be re-added if desired.
3. To copy exams from a previous semester’s course, click Copy Existing Exam.
4. The Copy Exams page appears. Click the term, teaching area, course, and instructor drop down menus and select the desired options. Once to the Exam section, check the boxes next to the exams to copy and click the Copy To drop down menu and select the category where the exams will be copied to. Click Copy Exams.
A Copy Complete dialog window appears. Click to either Copy More Exams or Go to Exam List.
TAs Copy Exam
Teaching Assistants can only copy exams from the same course that they are a TA for.
1. Click Exams and click Copy Existing Exam.
2. Select the correct term, course, and instructor from the appropriate drop down menus.
Note: The Teaching Area cannot be changed because TAs can only copy from courses in the same teaching area they are a TA for.
4. Check the boxes next the exams to copy.
5. Click the drop down menu listed under Copy To to pick the category the copied exam(s) will placed in.
6. Click Copy Exams.
7. The Copy Complete dialog window appears. Click Copy More Exams or Go to Exam List.
8. Verify that each exam was copied correctly. Most importantly, check the dates and times of the exams copied to ensure they are on the correct days.
Copy Another Instructor's Exam
Exams can be copied from current or previous semesters. However, another instructor’s exam can only be copied if that instructor has allowed their exams to be copied. Refer to the top of this section to allow your exams to be copied.
Another instructor’s exam can be copied in two locations:
- The Home tab
- The Exams tab
The Home tab
1. Under the Home menu, click Setup. Then select Copy.2. The Copy page appears. Select Copy from another instructor’s course.
Select the term, year, teaching area, and course from the drop down menus.After selecting the correct course a list of instructors appears. If the correct instructor does not appear they have not allowed their course information to be copied. Select the correct instructor to copy from.
3. Select Add to, Override existing, or Replace all current course materials and information.
4. Check the box next to Exams in the What course materials and information should be copied? section. Click on the blue Exams text to expand the list and customize what exams will be copied and what category they will be copied to.
Note: Other course materials can also be copied at this time, if the instructor has allowed it.
5. Click Copy Course. A Copy Complete dialog window appears.
The Exams Tab
1. Click Exams from the menu bar.
2. The Exams List page appears. Click Copy Existing Exam.
3. The Copy Exams page appears. Select the term, teaching area, course, and instructor from the drop down menus. In the Exam section, check the boxes next to the exams to copy and click the Copy To drop down menu and select the category the copied exams will go to. Click Copy Exams.
4. A Copy Complete dialog window appears. Click to either Copy More Exams or Go to Exam List.
Copy Link from LS to Other Management Systems
1. Click Go to Student View and navigate to the exam in the Exam List. Click View.
2. Copy the URL once at this screen. The URL can then be copied into other Learning Management Systems.
Toggle ItemPublishing and Unpublishing Exams
Publish an Exam
In order for students to see and have access to exams, the exams must be individually published.
Exams can be published in two locations:
- Exams List page
- Summary page
Exams List
Under Exams, click Publish next to the exam to publish.
The Status of the exam will become Published.Summary
Click Options. This will expand a dropdown menu. Click View Summary from the dropdown menu.
Click Publish Exam.
A green box at the top of the screen will notify the user that the exam has been published.
Note: Exams cannot be “unpublished.” However, exam options and questions can still be edited after the exam is published.
Hide an Exam Until a Specific Day
Instructors can hide an exam from students until a specified day.
1. Select the exam from the Exam List.
2. The Edit Assignment dialog window appears. Click Scheduling.
3. Use the date and time picker next to Hide Assignment Until to select the desired date.
Note: The open date for the exam is the default “hide until” date.
4. Click Save or Save and go to Questions.
Unpublish an Exam
Under Exams, the status of each exam is noted in the Exam List.
- If an exam is published, the status will say Unpublish. To unpublish the exam, so students will no longer see the exam, click Unpublish.
- When an exam is unpublished, the status will say Publish.
Note: Instructors can only unpublish exams that students have not taken or started yet.
Toggle ItemExam Summary Page
The Exam Summary page provides a quick way to edit different elements of the exam. The exam and exam key can also be printed from this page.
1. In the Exam List, click Options next to the appropriate exam. This will expand a dropdown menu. Click View Summary.
2. The options for Exam Info, Options, Reporting, and Questions are listed here.
3. Review to ensure all information is correct. Select edit located to the right of each section title if changes need to be made.
4. Select Print Exam or Print Key located at the bottom of the page to print the exam and/or key.
- Students cannot take the exam if it is not published. Select Publish Exam if exam setup is complete and for students to view the exam. They will not be able to take the exam until the due date has arrived.
- Once an exam has been published it cannot be un-published. If necessary, an exam can be edited after publication. Any changes made to computer-graded questions will be automatically updated, and, if students have already taken the exam, changes will be pushed to Grades.
Restore Deleted Exams
It is now possible to restore any assignments or exams that were deleted in BYU Learning Suite. Restoring an assignment or exam also restores any online submissions or scores that were associated with it as well. To do this, contact the OIT Service Desk (801.422.4000, it@byu.edu).