The Results page provides basic exam statistics, a summary of students’ exam scores and attempts, and the option to reset the exam for specific students. The average, high, and low scores on the exam are displayed at the top of the page.
Note: For multiple attempts of the same exam, the statistics displayed (average, high, low) are based on the options selected in the gradebook in the Options tab.
To access the Results page, locate the desired exam under the Exam List, which is under the Exams tab. Click Options and select View Results from the drop down.
A list of all the students and basic exam information is displayed in table format below the exam statistics.
Name: The students name is listed.
Attempt: indicates the attempt number if students were allowed multiple attempts. All attempts appear in the Results tab, but only the selected score is pushed to the gradebook. Note: The preferences set in the options tab determines which score from multiple attempts will be pushed to the gradebook.
Submitted: displays the date and time the attempt was submitted.
Duration: displays the amount of time the student used to take the exam.
Scoring: displays the exam status:
Exam not started - The student has not taken the exam.
Exam in progress - The student has started but not completed the exam.
Score now - The student has taken the exam, but some questions require manual scoring. Select Score now to score the exam.
View/Edit - The student has taken the exam and all questions have been scored. Select View/Edit to review questions or make scoring changes.
Results: Displays how many points the student received as well as the percentage of correct responses.
Reset: Select the trash can icon to delete that attempt. This action cannot be undone and the student must retake the exam. Note: Students cannot retake the exam if their score is reset after the due date unless an exception is created in the Options tab or the due date is extended.
Rescore: Select Re-Score to rescore all computer scored questions for that attempt.
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Student Performance Summary Statistics
Instructors can review a summary of exam statistics in either of two locations:
The Exams tab
The Assignments tab
Exams Tab
1. Click Exams to navigate to the Exam List. Click on Options and select View Results from the dropdown menu next to the specific exam.
Note: View Results is not available if fewer than 5 students that have taken the exam.
2. The results page displays individual student results for the exam including the class average, high, and low. Click on Re-ScoreExam to re-score the exam for the class. Click on Re-Score to the right of the student's name to re-score the exam for that specific student.
3. Click on Exam Summary below the Results in the left menu to view a statistical summary for the exam.
The exam summary displays the number of students who took the exam, the high, median, mean, and low scores, quartile scores, and time spent taking the test.
This page also displays the score distribution, grade distribution, and an overview of each exam question. Click on the Details button to view more information for each individual question.
This page also displays the question, the correct answers (highlighted green), and the distribution of the answers students selected.
Assignments Tab
1. Select the desired course and click on Assignments.
2. Click on the Exam Statistics icon to the right of the exam name.
3. Click on the appropriate tab to view the statistical summary or the question details.
Check Students Exam Activity
The OIT Service Desk has the ability to check students’ exam history. For example, they can see if a student actually took an exam, what time they started it, etc. For assistance, contact the OIT Service Desk at 801.422.4000 or
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Exporting Student Exam Responses
Instructors can view a summary of exam statistics in the Exams tab, or export more advanced or customized data to a .CSV file for analysis in the statistical program of their choice.
1. Click Exams to navigate to the Exam List.
2. Click Options next to the specific exams and select View Results from the dropdown menu.
Note: Student statistics only appear after at least 5 students have taken the exam.
3. Click Exam Summary from the navigation menu on the left and click Export Student Answers to download a .CSV file.
4. The file displays student names, overall scores, percentages, and student responses for each question.
The file also displays the distractor choices (A,B,C, etc.) for all question types to fill in the blank and open response. The file for fill in the blank and open response questions contains student responses.
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Question Results
Instructors can view statistics for specific questions in exams.
1. Click Exams and click Options next to the desired exam. Select View Results from the dropdown menu.
2. Click Question Details.
This page provides statistics and information regarding each specific question of the exam. There are three main sections:
Displays the exam question. The correct answer is highlighted in green with a checkmark.
This table displays the following statistics for the question: points, percent of all students who selected each option, percent of high-scoring students (Q4) who selected each option, percent of low-scoring students (Q1) who selected each option, and the mean test score of students who selected each option. Red boxes highlight problems distractors.
Provides details about problem distractors or other relevant issues.
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Resetting Exams
If an instructor wishes to reset an exam for a student, they can do so on the Results page. Deleting the attempt, which resets the exam, will delete all answers previously submitted in that attempt.
1. Locate the Results page by finding your exam in the Exam List > Options > View Results.
2. Each attempt every student made will be recorded on this page. To reset the test, delete the attempt. Select the trash icon under the Reset column.
3. A dialog window will appear, asking to confirm the reset. This action cannot be undone.
4. Click OK. A green banner will appear, confirming that the attempt was deleted and the exam was reset.
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Proctoring Results
Instructors can view student proctoring results for proctored exams. Instructors have the option of using Simple Proctor or Proctorio in their exams.
Viewing Simple Proctor Results:
1. Under Exams, find the proctored exam and click ?’s
2. On the Questions page, click Results, located on the left sidebar
3. Click View results, located in the Proctoring column, for the desired student
4. A popup containing the pictures of the student and activity notifications are displayed. Notifications include:
"Student began the exam."
"Student left the tab."
"Student returned to the tab."
"Student revoked camera permissions."
"Student granted camera permission request."
"Lost internet connection with student,.
"Regained internet connection with student."
"Student finished and submitted the exam."
Note: Images are stored in Learning Suite for 6 months.
Viewing Proctorio Results
Proctorio results can be accessed from the Exams List and Scores.
Exams List: 1. Under Exams, find the proctored exam and click the pencil icon to edit the exam
2. Click on the Exam Options tab, then click Launch Proctorio.
3. A Proctorio tab will open. Click on the desired student to view their results.
Click on the BYU Grades tab to go to the Scores page.
Find the proctored exam and click on the arrow next to the exam’s name.
Click Open Proctorio from the dropdown
A new tab will open, click on the desired student to view their results.