Exams can only be linked if the exam has already been scheduled with the Testing Center.
1. Go to the Testing Center website at testing.byu.edu and sign in.
2. Click on the Faculty tab and select Schedule/Edit Test Dates.
3. Ensure that the correct term is selected from the year term drop down. Find the desired course from the list and click + Request New Test Dates at the Provo Testing Center.
4. A dialog window appears. View the sections that will be taking the test. Choose Yes or No for late fees. The window adjusts according to your selection.
If Yes was selected: 1. Select 1 Late Fee Period or 2 Late Fee Periods from the drop down menu that appears. 2. Enter open, late fee start, and checkout dates into the appropriate entry boxes or use the calendar on the right hand side of the window to select days. Enter the start and checkout times. Enter a fee.
If No was selected: 1. Enter open and checkout dates into appropriate entry boxes or use the calendar on the right hand side of the window to select days. Enter the start and checkout times. If desired, enter a fee that will apply to anyone who takes the test regardless of date or time.
Note: Hover the mouse over a day in the calendar on the right to view a popup that displays the Testing Center hours and the current test load for that day.
5. Choose Yes or No for retakes. Enter in or select the start and close dates and times for retakes if yes was chosen. If desired, enter a fee that will apply to anyone who retakes the test.
6. Enter an estimation of how long it will take students to complete the test.
Note: This is not the same as a time limit given to students to complete the test. Rather, this estimation is used to gauge the impact the test will have on the Testing Center.
7. View the Impact of Schedule to Testing Center. The black bar on the left represents the total capacity at the Testing Center. The green bars represent the dates of the test being scheduled.
8. The graph is a good indication of how busy the Testing Center is on the days shown. It is also a good indication of how likely your schedule is to be approved.
9. Select Submit Dates for Approval and Request Additional Dates to submit the schedule for approval but remain in the scheduling window to request additional exam dates for the current course.
10. Select Submit Dates for Approval and Close Dialog to submit the schedule for approval and exit the window.
Note: Tests scheduled on green days receive an almost automatic approval. It may take up to one day for approval or denial when scheduled on days other than green.
The instructor will not be notified by email if the schedule was approved.
The instructor will be notified by email if the schedule was denied.
Link Testing Center Exams to Learning Suite
If the Testing Center exam is linked to Learning Suite, students’ testing center scores will automatically upload to BYU Grades in Learning Suite.
Only machine scored portions of a test will be uploaded to Learning Suite. If a test has both machine and manually scored parts, the points possible listed in Learning Suite from the Testing Center refers only to the machine scored part. An additional test will need to be created in Learning Suite in order to enter scores for the manually scored part. Currently, Learning Suite does not support a multi-part exam, such as an exam in the Testing Center as described here. A future enhancement will allow for test parts, not just sections of one test as we currently have in Learning Suite.
This is a retroactive feature. Meaning that all scores will still be uploaded to Learning Suite if an exam is linked after students begin taking the exam.
Exams can only be linked if the exam has already been scheduled with the Testing Center.
A Testing Center exam can be linked to an existing exam or during the exam creation process.
Link to Existing Exam
1. Go to Assignments. Exams that have been scheduled at the Testing Center but are not currently linked to a Learning Suite exam will appear in the Scheduled Testing Center Exams section at the bottom of the Assignments page.
2. Click Add to Learning Suite to link one exam or click Add all to Learning Suite to link multiple exams at once.
Note: If changes were made via the Testing Center website click the Refresh List button to refresh the list of Testing Center exams shown in Learning Suite.
3. The Link Exams From Testing Center dialog window appears. Uncheck any exams you do not want to link.
Note: Only one exam will appear in this window if you selected to only add one exam to Learning Suite. All Testing Center exams that have not been linked will appear if you selected Add all to Learning Suite.
4. Click the Select assignment… drop down menu and select an assignment that has already been created. The assignment title entry box automatically adjusts to reflect the assignment that was selected. However, the assignment title will remain the same if new assignment was selected. In either case, the assignment title can be changed by typing in the entry box.
Note: The assignment title is the title that will appear in Learning Suite.
5. The category drop down will automatically adjust to reflect the category the assignment is currently under. To change the category click the Select category… drop down and select an existing category or new category. The new category dialog window will appear if new category was selected. Create the new category following normal procedures.
6. The points possible for each exam can be adjusted in Learning Suite until the Testing Center receives the test and all information from the instructor. At that point the points possible in Learning Suite will be overridden by the Testing Center information and it will not be possible to change via Learning Suite. It must be changed through the Testing Center.
Note: The open and close dates will be overridden by Testing Center information. If a Testing Center exam has been linked to a Learning Suite exam the open and close dates must be changed via the Testing Center. It may take a few hours for any changes made via the Testing Center website to reflect on Learning Suite.
7. Click Link Exams. A confirmation dialog window will appear. It will display the Testing Center exams and what Learning Suite exams they are going to be linked to. Click Link Exams if all information is accurate.
Note: An alert with appear if the sections that are scheduled with the Testing Center exam do not match the sections that are scheduled with the Learning Suite exam. The exams could still be linked but keep in mind that students in sections that are not listed with the Testing Center schedule will be prohibited from taking the exam.
8. View the linked exam on the Assignments page. A green link icon marks exams that have been linked to Testing Center exams. Students’ scores will automatically be pushed to BYU Grades now that the exams are linked.
Link to New Exam
1. When creating a new assignment, click the Type drop down menu and select Exam. The dialog window automatically adjusts to handle exam creation. Click the Delivery drop down menu and select Testing Center. Enter an exam title and description.
2. The dialog window adjusts to show a Testing Center section at the bottom. Click the Select an option… drop down menu and select the desired Testing Center exam.
3. The open and close date selection boxes default to the dates of the Testing Center exam and are no longer editable. Once a Learning Suite exam is linked to a Testing Center exam, the open and due dates must be changed on the Testing Center website. Click the Go to Testing Center Website option to go to the Testing Center website and make changes to the schedule.
Note: It may take a few hours for any changes made via the Testing Center website to reflect on Learning Suite.
4. Click the Category drop down menu and select an existing category or new category to create a new category. Adjust the points possible for the exam. The points possible can only be edited in Learning Suite if that information has not been given to the Testing Center. Once an instructor submits the exam and all information to the Testing Center, the points possible in Learning Suite will be overridden by the points possible listed in the Testing Center and can no longer be edited in Learning Suite.
5. Click Link Exams. A confirmation dialog window will appear. It will display the Testing Center exams and what Learning Suite exams they are going to be linked to. Click Link Exams if all information is accurate.
Note: An alert with appear if the sections that are scheduled with the Testing Center exam do not match the sections that are scheduled with the Learning Suite exam. The exams could still be linked but keep in mind that students in sections that are not listed with the Testing Center schedule will be prohibited from taking the exam.
6. View the linked exam on the Assignments page. A green link icon marks exams that have been linked to Testing Center exams. Students’ scores will automatically be uploaded to BYU Grades now that the exams are linked.
Toggle Item
Editing Testing Center Exams
Unlink Testing Center and Learning Suite Exams
1. Locate the exam that needs to be unlinked in Assignments. A green link icon marks exams that have been linked to Testing Center exams. Click on the exam title or the Edit button to edit the exam.
2. A dialog window appears. Click the green Unlink button located in the Testing Center section of the window.
3. The link is broken. It can be linked to a different Testing Center exam by clicking the Select exam… drop down and selecting the desire exam.
4. (Optional) Or, to change the exam to a different type, click the Delivery drop down menu and select BYU Learning Suite to change the exam to an online exam. Instructors can also select Other if the exam will be administered in class or given as a take home test.
5. Click Save. The changes will reflect on the Assignments page. Go to the Exams tab to create questions for the exam if it was changed to a BYU Learning Suite exam.
Copy/Delete Linked Exams
Linked exams can be copied to other courses or future semesters on Learning Suite the same way normal exams are copied forward. However, when they are copied forward the link is broken and they are treated as an unlinked exam of type “Testing Center.” Additionally, Testing Center exams are NOT copied forward. They must be scheduled each semester via the Testing Center website (testing.byu.edu) before they can be linked to Learning Suite exams.
Linked exams can be deleted in Learning Suite the same way normal exams or assignments can be deleted. However, when linked exams are deleted in Learning Suite, the exam scheduled via the Testing Center is NOT deleted. Testing Center exams must be deleted, or edited in any way, via the Testing Center website (testing.byu.edu).
On the other hand, if a Testing Center exam that is linked to a Learning Suite exam is deleted via the Testing Center website, the remaining Learning Suite exam is treated as an unlinked exam of type “Testing Center.” Any scores that were uploaded previous to deleting the exam will remain.
Editing Which Test is Linked
1. Under Assignments, tests already linked to Testing Center exams are identified by the green link next to the exam name. Click Edit next to the incorrectly linked exam.
2. Click Unlink in the Edit Assignment dialog window. If available, select the correct exam from the drop down list. Click Save.
Note: The correct exam must not be linked to a different test in order to appear on the exam list. If the correct exam is not listed, first unlink it from its incorrect Learning Suite counterpart.
3. Click Link Exams in the Confirm Linking Exams from Testing Center dialog window that appears.
Toggle Item
View Test Center Exam Results
Instructors can use Learning Suite to view statistics and responses for exams administered at the BYU Testing Center, including exams for courses not set up in Learning Suite.
1. Select the desired course and click on Testing Center Exams. The default view is for the current semester. Click Past to view exams from previous semesters.
Note: Only exams from Spring Term 2015 and later are available in Learning Suite.
2. Click the title of the course you want to view an exam for. A list of exams administered at the Testing Center for that class appears. Click View Statistics.
3. A dialog window appears. The window includes:
the number of students who took the test and the total points possible.
summary statistics, including the mean score
the score range for each quartile
Option to click on Export Student Answers to download a CSV file containing students' responses
a bar graph of the Score Distribution when you scroll down
4. Click Details to view statistics for a specific question. The following statistics are listed for each questions:
percent of all students who selected each possible answer
percent of high scoring students (top 25%) who selected each possible answer
percent of low scoring students (bottom 25%) who selected each possible answer
mean test score of the students who selected each possible answer
Export Testing Center Exam Responses
Instructors can use Learning Suite to view statistics and responses for exams administered at the BYU Testing Center, including exams for courses not created in Learning Suite.
1. Under the Home menu, select Testing Center Exams. The default view is for the current semester. Select Past to view exams from previous semesters.
2. Select the course and click Export Student Answers next to the desired exam.
3. Save the file to the desired location.
Note: Exam information can also be found on the Testing Center website by clicking Export. However, it may be difficult to download responses for large classes from the Testing Center website. The above steps resolve that issue.
View Exam Statistics
Instructors can review a summary of exam statistics for Testing Center exams that have been linked to Learning Suite exams. To view exam statistics for exams NOT linked to Learning Suite exams, click on the Testing Center Exams link on the home page and click the View Statistics button.
1. Under Assignments, locate the correct exam. A green link icon marks exams that have been linked to Testing Center exams. Click the stats icon located to the left of edit.
2. A dialog window appears. The default landing tab is Exam Summary. Exam Summary allows you to view the number of students who took the exam, the high, median, mean, and low scores, quartile scores, and time spent taking the test.
3. (Optional) If desired, click Export Student Answers to download a .csv file that contains students’ names, overall score, percentage, and their responses for each question. The .csv file can be imported into the statistical analysis program of choice if more advanced or customized statistical analysis is needed.
4. Scroll down to view the Score Distribution. Scroll farther down to view the Questions Overview. This is an overview of student responses for each question. Hover your cursor over a section of the bar graph to view how many students answered with that response.
5. Click the Question Details tab to view more in depth information about each question. Or click Details to go directly to a question in the Question Details tab. The Question Details tab allows you to view the distribution of answers students selected.
6. Questions are displayed ten at a time. Click the navigational arrows to move between pages or click the drop down menu to select a specific set of questions. Click Cancel to return to the Assignments page.
Override Testing Center Exams Points Possible
If an exam is linked to the testing center in Learning Suite, students’ scores will automatically upload to BYU Grades. The total points possible for the Learning Suite exam will default to the total points possible on record with the Testing Center. However, it is possible to override the total points possible.
1. Click on the title of the exam in question under Assignments.
Note: A green link icon designates Testing Center exams that have been linked to Learning Suite.
2. A dialog window appears. Check the box next to Override Testing Center Exam points possible.
3. The Points Possible can now be edited. Testing Center scores will scale to the value you enter. For example, if the Testing Center points possible is 50 and you override the score to be 100 in Learning Suite, a student who scored a 40/50 will be given an 80/100 in Learning Suite. Click Save.