Instructors can insert different types of media into a rich content editor. There are two ways to add media:
Upload from the computer
Choose from the Learning Suite Files, with items that have already been uploaded
Upload from Computer
1. Under Content, click on the page to upload media into.
2. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page.
To insert a file into the text box, click on the Document icon.
To insert a .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp file into the text box, click on the Picture icon.
To insert an .mpg, .mpet, .mov, .wms, .avi, or .flv file into the text box, click on the Film icon.
To insert a .wav, .aif, .aiff, or .mp3 file into the textbox, click the Headphones icon.
4. Click Upload file then Choose File.
5. A dialog window will appear. Find the file to insert. Click Open to add the file.
File: Enter a description of the file in the Description text box.
Image: Resize the image by typing in the Image width text box. Enter a description of the file in the Description text box.
Video: Click the Insert as a link checkbox to insert the clip as a link, instead of a video icon. Enter a description of the file in the Description text box.
Audio: Check the Insert as a link checkbox to insert the clip as a link. Enter a description of the file in the Description text box.
Use the Files drop down menu to select the location to store the file. The default is to save the file to the general Files area, not associated with any created folders. Click Insert File to add the file to the rich content editor.
7. The file will appear in the text box. Click on the item to edit or play it.
Choose From My Files
1. Under Content, click on the page to upload media into.
2. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page.
To insert a file into the text box, click on the Document icon.
To insert a .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp file into the text box, click on the Picture icon.
To insert an .mpg, .mpet, .mov, .wms, .avi, or .flv file into the text box, click on the Film icon.
To insert a .wav, .aif, .aiff, or .mp3 file into the textbox, click the Headphones icon.
4. A dialog box will appear. The option Choose image from my files will be selected by default. Listed below are all Learning Suite files that were previously uploaded. Click on the file to insert.
File: Click Insert File to add the file to the rich content editor.
Image: Resize the image by typing in the Image width text box. Click Insert Image to add the picture to the rich content editor.
Video: Click the Insert file as a link checkbox to insert the clip as a link, instead of a video icon. Click Insert Video to add the picture to the rich content editor.
Audio: Check the Insert file as a link checkbox to insert the clip as a link. Click Insert Audio to add the clip to the rich content editor.
5. The file will appear in the textbox.
Note: BYU Learning Suite is limited file upload size of 500 MB per file. To share video files that are larger than this, the library provides a hosting service called BYUGLE that can host these files. BYUGLE has the ability to stream video files to your students, provided it is in compliance with copyright law.
To request video hosting, go to Click ‘Suggest Streaming Media’ and fill out all of the fields and click ‘Request Video'. You may need to then drop your media off via portable Flash or USB drive, CD, etc., at the BYUGLE office in 6527 HBLL.
After the hosting is complete, students will then be able to view the video on the BYUGLE website. Once the video has been set up, you can obtain a link to it to share with your students. To do this, go to the video on the BYUGLE website. Select ‘Link to this video’ beneath the video frame. Copy the link in the box that appears and paste it either into an email to your students or into the desired location in BYU Learning Suite. Students will then simply need to click the link and log in to watch the video.
If you do not provide a link to the video, students will need to go to the library website at to access the video. Under ‘Find Other Materials’ select ‘Byugle (Streaming Video)’. Students will then need to log in with their Net ID and password. Students can search either by department or by the title to locate the video.
Toggle Item
Insert a URL Hyperlink
1. Under Content, click on the page to add a URL hyperlink to.
2. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page.
3. Type the text in the text box.
4. Highlight the text and click the Add Link icon.
5. A dialog window will appear. Select the Link Type drop down menu.
URL: to insert URLs.
Link to anchor in the text: Currently, there are no internal linking options within Learning Suite. Creating an anchor within the text requires knowledge of HTML coding.
E-mail: to insert clickable e-mail addresses to documents and even add a subject and body of the e-mail message that will be created when the link is clicked.
Phone: to insert clickable phone numbers
6. Select URL.
7. Use the Protocol drop down menu to select the communication protocol used with the web address. (i.e. http://, https://, ftp://, news://, other)
8. In the URL text box, type the link to use.
9. Choose the location where the link will open by selecting the Target tab. Click the Target drop down menu and select the desired option. Click Ok.
<not set>: the default setting that opens the link in the current browser window or tab
<frame>: opens the link in the frame specified in the Target Frame Name text box. The text box is only visible after <frame> is chosen as the target
<popup window>: opens the link in the pop-up window specific in the Popup Window Name text box. The text box is only visible after <popup window> is chosen as the target. If the instructor chooses to open the link in a pop-up window, they may configure some further options that control the appearance of the pop-up.
Note: Users' browser settings might override set options and make the pop-up window appear in a standard new browser tab or window instead.
New Window (_blank): This setting opens the link in a new window or tab depending on the browser’s settings, allowing the user to conveniently switch back and forth between the new webpage and BYU Learning Suite.
Topmost Window (_top): opens the link in a window that is positioned on the top.
Same Window (_self): opens the link in the same window as the document.
Parent Window (_parent): opens the link in the window that the document window is nested in.
10. View the URL in the Rich Content Editor.
Removing a Hyperlink
1. Under Content, click on the page to edit. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page.
2. Open the Rich Content Editor. Select the link to remove.
3. Click the Unlink icon. The link is removed and leaves plain text.
Toggle Item
Insert Equations
Instructors can create an equation using MathML or TeX.
1. Under Content, click on the page to edit.
2. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page. A dialog window will appear. Click the Insert Equation button.
3. Enter the TeX or MathML for the equation in the editor. Click OK.
4. View the equation. And Click Save or Save and Publish when finished editing the rest of the content page.
Toggle Item
Insert a Table
1. Under Content, select the content page to add a table to.
2. Click on Edit in the right hand corner of the page.
3. Click the Table icon to add a table to the content page.
4. The Table Properties dialog window appears. Enter the number of Rows and Columns the table will have. Change other table properties as desired. Click OK when finished.
5. The table appears in the text box. Right click anywhere in the table to paste text, edit the number of cells, rows, or columns, delete the table, or edit table properties.
Toggle Item
Insert an LTI Link
BYU Learning Suite is LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) compliant. LTI allows the seamless connection of external learning tool applications with Learning Suite. Links to content based LTI applications can be inserted into Learning Suite Content pages.
1. Under Content, click on the page to edit.
2. Click the Add LTI Link icon from the text box toolbar.
3. A dialog window appears. Choose to link to the LTI application via Manual Configuration or XML Configuration.
4. a. If Manual Configuration was selected:
Enter a Title. The title is the text that will appear on the content page for students to see.
Enter the configuration URL, Key, and Secret that is provided by the LTI application. Click Ok.
b. If XML Configuration was selected:
Enter a Title. The title is the text that will appear on the content page for students to see.
Enter an XML address. This information is found on the learning tool website and the location varies depending on the learning tool. Click OK.
The link appears on the page.
Toggle Item
Supported File Types
BYU Learning Suite supports the following video files: .mpg, .mp4, .mpeg, .mov, .wmv, .avi, and .flv. In BYU Learning Suite, the video will either play from BYU Learning Suite’s video player or users will be able to download it to their computer and play it from a video player on their computer. Try the tips below for viewing video files successfully in BYU Learning Suite.
Details for specific video types:
The most compatible video format is an .mp4 video that is encoded with H264 codec. (*This is the recommended video file type to use in BYU Learning Suite.)
Flash files (.flv) are also very compatible because most users have Flash Player on their computers.
MOV files (.mov) are usually compatible because many users have the QuickTime video player on their computers.
Windows Media Videos files (.wmv) are usually compatible on Windows computers, but only play on Mac computers after downloading additional software (like VLC).
Audio Video Interleave files (.avi) will not play in BYU Learning Suite, but should play in most video players after downloading.
Moving Picture Experts Group (.mpeg and .mpg) files will not play in BYU Learning Suite, but should play in most video players after downloading.
Note: Learning Suite supports the previously listed file types, however, the ability to play any video in the browser depends on not only the file type but the codec. If a supported file type will not play in the browser it is most likely an un-supported codec.
Support for video types in the BYU Learning Suite video player may change over time as new versions of browsers alter their support for certain video types.