Learning Suite uses your preferred name from AIM. Therefore, if you would like to change your name on Learning Suite, make the changes to your name in AIM. After updated in AIM, the updated name will be used once you refresh your course list.
Edit Personal Information
Instructors can edit their personal information in two locations. Information listed in the Users tab will also be displayed in your Learning Suite Syllabus, and can be edited from there as well. Any changes made to users or their information from either Home or Syllabus will take effect in both locations immediately.
1. Once in the course, click on the Users tab underneath the Course Home menu.
2. Instructors, co-instructors, and TAs will be listed on this page along with their information. Click Edit (pencil icon) to open a dialog window.
3. Edit your personal information: Email, Office Phone, Office Location, Office Hours Note: It is important to note that this information will be publicly available to teachers and students as your personal contact information.
4. To share any other additional information or notes with your students, click +Add Field.
5. Enter a title for the field. Click Save.
6. A blank text box will appear below your personal information, which can be filled in. Any field can be deleted by clicking on the Trash Can icon located to the right of the field content.
7. Click Save and view changes.
Toggle Item
Messaging (Legacy)
Users can receive new message notifications in their email. If enabled, users will receive an email containing a copy of the content in the new message received on Learning Suite. However, the email will not contain the entire conversation (i.e., previous messages).
Note: Both instructors and students must check the enable notifications box in order to receive email notifications.
There are two types of communication settings for instructors on Learning Suite:
Notification Preferences
1. Click on the Envelope icon located next to the user's name in the top right corner of the screen.
2. Click Edit Settings.
Set Notification Preferences
3. In order to set a notification preference, users must click the radio button next to the desired option. Notifications will be sent to the user’s email on file with BYU.
4. Click the Grant release of FERPA education records checkbox to enable messages to be sent to a personal email (click here to learn about FERPA). Click Save to update your notification preferences.
Note: In order to receive email notifications from instructors, students must check the Enable Notifications from Instructors/TAs checkbox. By doing this, students are granting the university permission to send FERPA protected information (such as feedback on homework, tests, assignments, etc.) via email.
Set Permissions
5. To set course permissions and allow students to communicate with each other via Learning Suite, click the Yes radio button under Allow Students to Send Messages to Each Other.
6. To disable messages for the entire course completely, click the Yes radio button under Disable Messages. Click Save to update permissions.
Toggle Item
Instructor Preferences (Legacy)
Instructor Preferences
Instructors can select the following:
what page opens when logging in
a default due time for assignments
default open/close times for Exams
a default option for students to view scores (points, percent, or letter grade)
the default email that Learning Suite will send emails to
default reporting rules for Exams
adjust filters, notifications, and permissions for Messages
default display options for syllabi
easy access to iClicker and iClicker Cloud registration and help links.
1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the course window to open the Preferences menu.
The Preferences menu has several tabs:
Select a home page from the dropdown menu. This page will be the default page shown when first logging in.
Click Save if finished.
Select a default:
time for assignments to be due
time for exams to open
time for exams to close
option for students to view scores.
Click Save if finished.
Select which email Learning Suite should send emails to:
University Personal email
University Work email
Other (must input the email and input it again to confirm).
Click Send Test Email to ensure that the email information is correct and functional.
Click Refresh Emails to refresh the email addresses listed if changes were made recently.
Click Save if finished.
Select a default option for:
students' ability to see certain items immediately after taking their exam
students' ability to see certain items after the Exam Close date, the last day of class, or a relative date (i.e. after x amount of days/weeks).
Click Save if finished.
Messages -- Filter
The filter window does not apply to instructors, as messages cannot be filtered as an instructor.
Messages -- Notifications
Select options for notifications concerning messages with students and then with instructors/TAs. The "Grant release of FERPA education records" option is relevant to students only. Checking the box as an instructor will have no effect.
Click Save if finished.
Messages -- Permissions
Allow Students to Send Messages to Each Other provides settings for whether or not students can email one another. Each course is separate and can be adjusted as desired. As noted, if “No” is selected, students can still send messages to instructors, TAs, or groups they belong to.
Disable Messages provides settings for whether or not messaging is completely disabled. Each course is separate and can be adjusted as desired.
Click Save if finished.
Under Policies, the Required options list the required portions of the syllabi. These checkboxes cannot be unchecked. The Optional portion lists optional choices for the syllabus. Checking any of these boxes will set the option as a default portion of future syllabi.
Note: Only new syllabi will be affected. Existing syllabi will need to be manually edited.
Click Save if finished.
This tab gives easy access to iClicker registration, help, and instructions. Click the links within the tab for these different helps.
The instructor side is in the process of being redesigned. Check the box to see and use the new pages as they are released.
Click Save if finished.
Toggle Item
Beta View
New Learning Suite Instructor View Beta
The Learning Suite team is now in the process of cleaning up the look, adding some functionality, and making Learning Suite more mobile friendly. Updating the whole site will take a lot of time, but we're excited for you to use it and we'll release pages to you as we get them done.
Since pages will release one by one, for a while some will still look like the original Learning Suite you know and love, while others will use our all-new styling.
We've tested the new pages, but with thousands of you, and millions of pieces of unique content, you may find something we missed. If you do, please let us know by sending an email to LSbeta@byu.edu. (For normal questions or issues, please continue to contact the Service Desk at 801-422-4000 or it@byu.edu.)
If switching between the old and new pages does not work for you, just uncheck the box and you're back to normal.
To opt into Beta, go to the Beta tab in the Preferences popup dialog:
Toggle Item
Users can receive new message notifications in their email. If enabled, users will receive an email containing a copy of the content in the new message received on Learning Suite. However, the email will not contain the entire conversation (i.e., previous messages).
Note: Both instructors and students must check the enable notifications box in order to receive email notifications.
There are two types of communication settings for instructors on Learning Suite:
Notification Preferences
1. Click on the user’s name in the top right corner and then click the Messages tab. 2. Click the settings icon in the top row to access Preferences.
Set Notification Preferences
3. In order to set a notification preference, users must click the box next to the desired option. Notifications will be sent to the user’s email on file with BYU. 4. Click the Grant release of FERPA education records checkbox to enable messages to be sent to a personal email (click here to learn about FERPA). Click Save to update your notification preferences.
Note: In order to receive email notifications from instructors, students must click the Enable Notifications from Instructors/TAs checkbox. By doing this, students are granting the university permission to send FERPA protected information (such as feedback on homework, tests, assignments, etc.) via email.
Set Permissions
5. To set course permissions and allow students to communicate with each other via Learning Suite, click the box under Allow Students to Send Messages to Each Other. 6. To disable messages for the entire course completely, click the box under Disable Messages. Click
Save to update permissions.
Toggle Item
Instructor Preferences
Instructors can select the following:
what page opens when logging in
a default due time for assignments
default open/close times for Exams
a default option for students to view scores (points, percent, or letter grade)
the default email that Learning Suite will send emails to
default reporting rules for Exams
adjust filters, notifications, and permissions for Messages
default display options for syllabi
easy access to iClicker and iClicker Cloud registration and help links.
Click the user’s name in the top right corner, then click Preferences (gear icon). The Preferences window will open with several tabs.
Select a home page from the dropdown menu. This page will be the default page shown when first logging in. The user also has the option to change the theme of Learning Suite if desired.
Click Save if finished.
Select a default:
time for assignments to be due
time for exams to open
time for exams to close
option for students to view scores.
Click Save if finished.
Select which email Learning Suite should send emails to:
University Personal email
University Work email
Other (must input the email and input it again to confirm).
Click Send Test Email to ensure that the email information is correct and functional. Click Refresh Emails to refresh the email addresses listed if changes were made recently.
Click Save if finished.
Select a default option for:
students' ability to see certain items immediately after taking their exam
students' ability to see certain items after the Exam Close date, the last day of class, or a relative date (i.e. after x amount of days/weeks).
Click Save if finished.
Messages -- Filter
The filter window does not apply to instructors, as messages cannot be filtered as an instructor.
Messages -- Notifications
Select options for notifications concerning messages with students and then with instructors/TAs. The "Grant release of FERPA education records" option is relevant to students only. Checking the box as an instructor will have no effect.
Click Save if finished.
Messages -- Permissions
Allow Students to Send Messages to Each Other provides options for whether or not students can email one another. Each course is separate and can be adjusted as desired. As noted, if “No” is selected, students can still send messages to instructors, TAs, or groups they belong to.
Disable Messages provides settings for whether or not messaging is completely disabled. Each course is separate and can be adjusted as desired.
Click Save if finished.
Under Policies, the Required portion lists required items for syllabi. These checkboxes cannot be unchecked. The Optional portion lists optional choices for the syllabus. Checking any of these boxes will set the option as a default portion of future syllabi.
Note: Only new syllabi will be affected. Existing syllabi will need to be manually edited.
Click Save if finished.
This tab gives easy access to iClicker registration, help, and instructions. Click the links within the tab for applicable help pages.
The instructor side is in the process of being redesigned. Check the box to see and use the new pages as they are released.