Specialized Assignment Types Skip to main content

Specialized Assignment Types

  • Digital Dialog facilitates class discussion, participation, and collaboration. Digital Dialog provides a multimedia discussion board for professors and students. Instructors can post audio, video, or text prompts for students who can then reply in a forum fashion.

    Set up Digital Dialog

    Instructors have three options to choose from under the Digital Dialog tab while setting up the course:

    • Use BYU Learning Suite Dialog: enables a discussion board
    • Link to another website: directs students to a different website. Enter the URL of the external website in the text box. Click Link to verify the URL. A link to the website will appear to students when they click on the Digital Dialog tab.
    • Do not use BYU Learning Suite Dialog: to not use Digital Dialog or another website. The Digital Dialog tab will not appear for students in the course.

    Click Save and Continue.

    Discussions View

    There are three views available to instructors in Digital Dialog:

    • Dialogs: Sorts discussions by discussion type or category (i.e. presentations, individual discussions, group discussions, etc.), and then lists each discussion under their respective category.
    • Groups View: Discussions assigned to groups are displayed.
    • Student View: Displays the discussions by student. Students are listed alphabetically. Instructors can view the prompt as well as student activity for each prompt.

    Click the respective view to change the view of discussions in Digital Dialog.

    Create, Edit, and Delete a Folder

    Instructors can create and manage discussions in Learning Suite through folders. Folders may be useful when you have discussions about a similar topic.

    To Create a Folder

    Click +New Folder. A text entry box will appear. Type a name for the folder in the text box. Click Save to create the folder. Click the pencil icon next to the folder to edit.

    To Delete a Folder

    Click on the Trash Can icon. A dialog window will appear, asking what to do with the discussions in the folder. Click the Delete discussions and folder permanently radio button to delete all of the discussions in the folder. Click the Move out of radio button to move the discussions to another folder.

    Note: Discussions can easily be moved in between folders. Simply click on the the discussion title and drag it to the new folder location.


    Create a Discussion

    1. Click New Discussion on the Dialogs page.

    2. The New Discussion editor box appears.

    • Title: Enter a title in the text box.
    • (Optional) Folder: Choose a folder for the discussion to go in. If no folder is selected, the discussion will not be in a file structure.
    • (Optional) Recording: add a recording, either an audio or video file.
    • (Optional) Attachment: click + Attachment(s) to choose files to attach to the discussion.
    • (Optional) Discussion Prompt: enter a prompt into the text editor. Use the Rich Content Editor to format the text.
    • Participants: click Edit participants to select which students are included in the discussion. There must be at least one student in the discussion. Click the checkbox next to their name.
    • Discussions: Create separate discussions for each student or group by clicking the Separate discussions with each student or group radio button.
    • (Optional) Grading: This discussion can be an assignment. Select the category and open/due dates and times.
    • (Optional) Timing: choose if the discussion will have open and close dates and times.
    • (Optional) Voting: if checked, students can up and down vote comments and replies.
    • (Optional) Require Response: This feature will require a student to comment before they can view other comments.
    Edit a Discussion

    1. Click the pencil icon next to the discussion name that needs to be edited.

    2. A dialog window will appear. Edit the discussion content. Click Save to update the discussion.

    Delete a Discussion

    1. Click the trash icon next to the discussion to delete. A dialog window will appear. Click Delete to permanently delete the discussion.

    View Discussion Details

    1. Click on the title of the discussion to view more details.

    2. View the content assigned to the discussion. Click Video/audio comments to view any attached video or audio comments. A media player will open inside the discussion and play the comment. Click the link next to the Paperclip icon to download any attached file. Click Reply to respond to the discussion prompt.

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    Note: Discussion replies can be displayed in two different ways. Expanded View shows the name of the person who replied, the comment, the date and time of the reply, and the Edit, Delete, or Reply buttons. Collapsed View shows only the name of the person next to his or her comment.

    Reply to a Discussion Prompt

    1. Click on the title of the discussion to respond to.

    2. Click Reply to respond to the discussion prompt.

    3. A dialog window will appear. Click + Video or audio to add an audio or video comment. Click + Attachment(s) to add a file to your reply. Type and format the response in the text box. Click Save to post the response.

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    Edit/Delete/Reply to a Discussion Post

    1. Under the post, click Edit, Delete, or Reply.

    • If editing, the dialog box to edit the post will appear.
    • If deleting, a confirmation window will appear.
    • If replying, a new comment dialog box will appear.

    Note: You can only edit your own posts. A timestamp will appear underneath the discussion post indicating when the post was edited.

    Groups in Digital Dialog

    Instructors can create groups on BYU Learning Suite in Digital Dialog or the Course Home page.

    Create Groups in Digital Dialog

    1. Under Digital Dialog, select the group view in the right corner of the screen.

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    2. Click + New Group. A dialog window will appear. Type the name of the group in the Group Name text box. Select students by clicking the checkbox next to their name. View students who are not already in a group by clicking on Not in a Group. Click Create Group when finished.

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    Groups will be listed in alphabetical order with numbered groups appearing at the top of the page.

    Create Groups in the Course Home Page

    1. Under the Course Home menu, click on the Groups option.

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    2. Click + New Group. A dialog window will appear. Type the name of the group in the Group Name text box. Select students by clicking the checkbox next to their name. View students who are not already in a group by clicking on Not in a Group. Click Create Group when finished.

    Groups will be listed in alphabetical order with numbered groups appearing at the top of the page.

    Assign a Discussion to a Group

    Instructors can assign groups to a discussion by adding the group to a new or existing discussion.

      In Digital Dialog, select the Groups view in the top right corner.

      Add the group to a new discussion:

      1. Click +New Discussion. A dialog window will appear. Fill in the new discussion details. Select the Groups tab under the Participants option.

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      2. Check the box next to the group names to add groups to the discussion. The instructor can also create new groups in this tab.

      3. In the Digital Dialog tab, click on the One discussion radio button to include all of the groups or students selected above. Click on the Separate discussions radio button to create separate discussions for each of the the groups selected above. Click Save Discussion to add the discussion to the selected groups.

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      Add the group to an existing discussion:

      1. Select the Discussion view in the top right corner.

      2. Click the Pencil icon next to the discussion title.

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      3. Edit the discussion details. Select the Groups tab under the Participants option.

      4. Follow steps 2-3 above in Add the group to a new discussion.

      Edit a Student Discussion Group

      1. Select the Groups view in the top right corner.

      2. Select the Pencil icon on the right side of the group title.

      3. A dialog window will appear. Edit the group name and group members. View the students who are not already in a group by clicking on the Not in a Group view. Click Save Group to update the group information.

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      The group will update to reflect the changes made.

      Delete a Student Discussion Group

      1. Select the Groups view in the top right corner

      2. Select the Trash Can icon to the right of the group title.

      3. A dialog window will appear. Click Delete group to permanently delete the group.

    • Create an Attendance Assignment

      Generally, each course should only need ONE attendance assignment. Attendance can be manually graded by the instructor or self-graded by the student. This assignment type automatically pulls from the "Teaching days" set up in Coursedog/AIM for the course.

      NOTE: If your course is "TBA" you will not be able to use this assignment type.

      1. Click + New Assignment. The New Assignment dialog window appears. Click the Type drop down menu and select Attendance.

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      2. Enter an assignment title and description. Select the category the assignment will go in and the due date. It is recommended to pick a day near the end of the semester for the due date because an attendance assignment tracks attendance for the entire semester.

      3. Enter the points possible for a single day’s attendance. The total number of attendance points possible will automatically calculate based on the number of times the class is held throughout the semester.

      4. (Optional) Check the box Students can mark their own attendance to allow student to self-report their attendance. If this option is selected, instructors and TAs can still edit or report students’ attendance grades.

      Note: It may be helpful to add a text item to every class day on the schedule that reminds the students to self-report their attendance. Click here for information on adding items to the schedule.

      5. Click the Scoring tab. Make any necessary adjustments to the assignment’s scoring options. Click Save.

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      The assignment can be edited, copied, or deleted at any time by clicking the corresponding icon, located to the right of the assignment title.

      Grade an Attendance Assignment

      It is recommended that Attendance assignments are scored by marking attendance in the Grader with the attendance grader, and not by manually entering scores on the BYU Grades Scores page. This allows Learning Suite to grade attendance in terms of days already marked, providing a more accurate current grade calculation in the overall score column of the Scores page and on the students' Assignments pages.

      1. Locate the attendance assignment on the Assignments page and click the Score button.

      2. The Grader will open. All students appear in the gradebook by default. Similar to the scores page, each student is displayed on a row with every class day in corresponding columns. To see a student's picture, hover the mouse over the profile icon next to their name.

      The default view is "All past unmarked" but you can see all dates or other view options by clicking the drop-down menu under the calendar in the left navigation.

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      3. The gradebook that appears has four options for grading attendance:

      • attended: Student gets full credit.
      • late: Student is deducted by the percentage set in the Late score option in attendance options.
      • absent: Student gets no credit.
      • excused: Student gets full credit.

      One of the four options can be selected for each student per day by selecting the correct icon for the correct student and day. A running total of the number of attended, absent, and excused marks given are found at the bottom of each column.

      4. To mark all students as attended, absent, or excused, select the corresponding icon in the Mark all as row for the desired day.
      If desired, check the box next to Override to override any existing marks given for the day.

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      If all students have been given a mark for a day, the column will automatically collapse. In the example above, the day 11/5 has been collapsed. Select the double arrow icon to expand or collapse columns.

      6. Once the instructor is done grading attendance for a day they can close the day to hide it from the main view by clicking the “X” above the date. To add a day back to the main view after it has been closed, select the day from the calendar in the left menu.

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      7. Filter the main view by certain criteria click the View drop down menu from the left menu and select an option: all dates, all past unmarked, all unmarked, all marked, all future, all past, none. To sort by section, select the correct Section from the dropdown menu.

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      Import Attendance Assignment Grades

      1. Locate the correct assignment and click the Score icon, located in the Scoring column. Select Import.

      2. Create a .csv file. The first row is imported as a header row. The first column should contain students’ net ID or BYU ID. The date header for each attendance grade column should be in the format of MM/DD/YYYY (ex: 05/03/2017). For each day and student, enter a 1 for attended, 0 for absent, and x for excused.

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      3. Save the .csv file to your computer. Select Choose File and select the .csv file on your computer.

      4. A preview appears after selecting the file. Select the drop down menu in section 3 and select the column header of the column that contains students’ net IDs or BYU IDs. Click Import.

      5. An import summary appears, letting you know how many scores were imported successfully. Click View Details to view more information about any errors that occur.

      6. Scroll down to view all import summaries for the days you imported grades for. Click Done when you are finished looking at the import summary.

      Export Attendance Assignment Grades

      1. Locate the correct attendance assignment and click the Score icon, located in the Scoring column.

      2. Select Export. Check the boxes next to the sections you want to export attendance grades for.

      3. Check the boxes next to the desired additional information to export. Click Export. A .csv file is downloaded to your computer. Click to open it and view the exported grades.

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    • Instructors can create an assignment which will automatically remind students to complete their student ratings for the course. This assignment can be given scoring options, and once a student completes their ratings, the points (if assigned) are automatically populated to the gradebook.

      Note: Instructors can add this assignment to their class at any point in the semester, even after the student ratings period has ended. The information on completion will be pulled in from studentratings.byu.edu retroactively.

      1. Under Assignments, click +Create New Assignment.

      2. In the new assignment setup dialog box, choose Survey from the Type dropdown. The Survey Type will default to Student Ratings (other survey types will be added in the future).

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      3. Edit the assignment title, add a description (optional), and select the Category. Set the points possible and/or extra credit options if desired

      Note: The assignment due date is not editable--the availability and end date of student ratings assignments are standardized and will show on the schedule and calendars on the appropriate dates. 

      4. For more advanced scoring or scheduling options, click the Scoring or Scheduling tabs in the dialog box to make those adjustments.

      5. Click the Save button.

      This assignment will show on the Calendars and Schedule along with the other course assignments. To complete the assignment, the student can either follow the link in the email sent to them by studentratings@byu.edu or they can click on this assignment and click the green "Launch Student Ratings" button.

      Once students access the studentratings.byu.edu site, they can complete ratings for all of their courses that semester. The completion data will pass back to Learning Suite, regardless of the method the student used to access the ratings site.

    • Create an External Plugin Assignment

      Learning Suite is LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) compliant. LTI allows the seamless connection of external learning tool applications with Learning Suite. External Plugin assignments in Learning Suite allow students to access learning modules through the assignment without needing an account. Depending on the learning tool (e.g. Moodle), grades may be set up to pass from the module to BYU Grades.

      1. When creating a new assignment, select External Plugin from the Type dropdown.

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      Note: The four tabs across the top will adjust to show the appropriate tabs for an External Plugin assignment.

      3. Fill in any necessary information for the assignment. Select the External Plugin tab.

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      In the Configuration Type drop down menu, these options are available:

      • Global Configuration (LTI)
      • Launch URL Configuration (LTI)
      • Launch URL Configuration (LTI 1.3)
      • XML Configuration
      • Captivate Module (xAPI)

      Global Configuration (LTI)

      1. Select Global Configuration (LTI) from the Configuration Type drop down menu.

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      2. Select the desired module from the Global Module drop down menu. These modules have been funded by BYU and are available to all instructors to use in their courses.

      Click here for the list of Global Modules BYU provides to all instructors.

      Launch URL Configuration (LTI)

      1. Select Launch URL Configuration (LTI) from the Configuration Type drop down menu.

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      2. Enter a launch URL, a key, and a secret. Information is found on the learning tool website and the location varies depending on the learning tool.

      Launch URL Configuration (LTI 1.3)

      This method is similar to Launch URL Configuration (LTI); however, this feature is a newer version and allows information from the learning tool website to enter Learning Suite.

      XML Configuration

      1. Select XML Configuration (LTI) from the Configuration Type drop down menu.

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      2. Enter an XML configuration URL. Information is found on the learning tool website and the location varies depending on the learning tool.

      Captivate Module (xAPI)

      1. Select Captivate Module (xAPI) from the Configuration Type drop down menu.

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      2. A new option to upload a zip file appears. Click Choose File.

      3. The Choose Captivate File dialog window appears. Click Choose Files to upload the module from a location on the computer or select a module from Files in Learning Suite.

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      4. Click + Add File once the correct files have been selected. The file title appears in the New Assignment dialog window next to Zip File Upload. Click Save.

      5. Select the radio button next to the desired Scoring Option if the module is scored and grades will be pushed to BYU Grades. Click Save.

    • Create an Exam in the Assignments Tab

      Under Assignments, click +New assignment. Open the Type drop down menu and select Exam. Finish creating the exam.

      Click here for information on selecting exam options.

      Note: Exam questions will need to be created in the Exams tab if this option is selected.

    • Turnitin allows professors to easily check for plagiarism and poor source citing in student papers. Turnitin also allows for rubric grading using Turnitin’s GradeMark onscreen grading system. PeerMark is a feature of Turnitin that allows peer review.

      Create Turnitin Assignment

      1. When creating or editing the assignment, under General, check Submit through Learning Suite.

      Note: The Allow multiple file uploads option does not work while using Turnitin.

      2. Click the Turnitin tab. Check Use Turnitin.

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      3. (Optional) Check Allow Students to view their originality reports. This will show the originality check in Turnitin. When Use Turnitin is enabled, students must submit files that:

      • contain more than 20 words of text 
      • are less than 400 pages in length 
      • are less than 40MB in size
      • are in one of these file formats: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), plain text files.

      4. Click Save.

      Note: To use Turnitin, BYU Grades must be set up. If Turnitin is not selected during assignment creation, the setting can be enabled at any time. However, Turnitin is not retroactive. If the feature is enabled after the assignment has been created and students have submitted assignment, previously submitted assignments will not use Turnitin. The assignments would need to be resubmitted.

      View Turnitin Assignments

      Once students start submitting papers, instructors can view and grade assignments.

      1. Click Score in the Grades navigation menu.

      2. Assignments uses Turnitin will display Launch Turnitin. Click on Launch Turnitin. You will be directed to the Turnitin website in a new window.

      3. Students’ names, the document title, assignment submission time, student views of document, a link to GradeMark, a similarity percentage score, and additional options will be listed. All submissions can be downloaded simultaneously by clicking Download All. Use the Turnitin website to grade and view assignments.


      GradeMark is Turnitin’s on-screen grading system. GradeMark allows instructors to quickly and easily provide clear and detailed feedback for students. GradeMark incorporates many instructive features, including QuickMark comments, instructor comments, audio comments, and rubric grading.

      QuickMark comments are commonly used feedback items provided by Turnitin. These comments cover frequent writing errors. Professors simply drag these prewritten comments to the appropriate place on the student’s paper to make a note there for students. QuickMark comments are divided into three major categories: composition, format and punctuation.

      • To mark a transition problem in a student’s paper, for instance, click and drag the comment onto the student’s paper.
      • When hovering over QuickMark comments, a full explanation of the comment will appear, allowing students to learn how to improve their writing by better understanding their mistakes.
      • The ‘Edit’ button at the bottom of a QuickMark comment allows you to add your own comment or explanation beneath the prewritten explanation.
      • To add an entirely new comment, click anywhere on the student’s paper. A box will appear allowing you to insert a comment in that location. If this is a comment you will use frequently, you can choose to Save as a new QuickMark comment for easy access later. If you save the comment as a QuickMark, you will need to add a title and choose which comment set to assign it to. If this comment will not be used multiple times, simply click Save.
      • Instructor comments added as regular comments will appear as blue comment bubbles. When you hover over the comment bubble, your full comment will become visible.
      • To customize QuickMark comment sets, click on the wrench in the right column. Here you can create a new comment set or QuickMark comment by selecting the plus sign above the appropriate column.
      • To add a comment to a new set, select the comment in the Marks column, and the select the Action button in the third column. Under Actions select Add to set, and then select the set you would like to add it to.
      • GradeMark also allows you to leave overall audio or text comments about each paper. Click on the word bubble icon at the bottom of the right column. Here you can type general text comments or record voice comments up to three minutes long.
      • Select the stacked box icon at the bottom of the page to view all the comments included in this paper. Here, the numbers of comments per page are listed. Click on the icon to the right of a page to view all of the comments posted on that page.

      GradeMark Rubric

      1. To add a rubric to the paper in Turnitin, first open a student's paper from the Originality Check page in BYU Learning Suite. Be sure to be in the GradeMark view, then click on the rubric icon at the bottom of the right column.

      2. Click on the wrench icon at the top of the column. Next, click on the list icon in the top left corner and select Create new rubric.

      3. At the bottom of the box, select which type of rubric to use. The percentage symbol will allow use a standard rubric, the pencil icon will create a custom rubric, and the zero icon will provide feedback using a rubric without including a scoring scale.

      4. Click anywhere on the rubric to add or edit listed information and format the rubric to fit the needs of the paper. To add additional criterion or scales click on the plus icon in the appropriate column. To delete a criteria or scale, hover over the item and click on the trash can icon that appears in the box.

      5. When the rubric is finished, click Save at the bottom of the box, and then click on the link icon at the top of the box to link this rubric to the assignment. Once the rubric has been added click Close.

      6. The rubric will now appear in the right column. To add a rubric score, click on the appropriate point value. The rubric will be automatically totaled. When grading the paper is finished, click Apply rubric percentage to grade. The score will be added at the top of the page.

      Note: Rubric scores are not integrated with BYU Learning Suite and must be re-entered in the BYU Learning Suite Scores page to be reflected in students' grades.

      Originality Report

      Turnitin’s Originality Report allows instructors to easily check for plagiarism and poor source citing. The Originality Report will highlight portions of the students’ papers that match other sources within the Turnitin database. 

      1. To access the Originality Report, once in Turnitin, click on the Originality Check tab within the Grades section of the course. Select the assignment to view.

      2. Click on the assignment title to see the Turnitin Assignment Inbox. The Inbox lists all student submissions and the results of the Originality Report are displayed in the Similarity column. The similarity percentage shows the proportion of the paper that is similar to other items in the Turnitin database.

      3. To view the Originality Report, click on the percentage for a particular student. A pop-up window will appear with the Originality Report. Depending on browser settings, pop-ups may need to be allowed.

      4. The Originality Report will highlight all portions of the paper that match other sources in the Turnitin database. Each source will be highlighted in a different color. A list of matching sources displayed in the same color as the highlight is located in the right column.

      5. Click on a highlighted portion of the paper to view the source in context. The toolbar at the bottom of the page allows zooming, printing, or downloading.

      6. Choose to include or exclude quotations and bibliographic materials, or to exclude that do not exceed a certain amount of words or percent similarity. Click Apply Changes. A new similarity score will be generated and displayed at the top of the page.

      7. (Optional) To exclude particular sources from the Originality Check, click on the all sources button at the top of the match column. At the bottom of the column select the Exclude Sources button. Select the check box next to the source(s) to exclude, then select Exclude. A new similarity score will be generated based on the excluded sources.


      • To restore excluded sources, click on the blocked icon at the bottom of the right column. Select which sources to restore, then click Restore or click Restore All. The similarity report will be adjusted again.
      • To quickly move between students’ papers, use the arrow buttons in the top right corner of the page.


      PeerMark™ is a peer review assignment tool. Instructors can create and manage PeerMark assignments that allow students to read, review, and evaluate one or many papers submitted by their classmates. With the advanced options in PeerMark instructors can choose whether the reviews are anonymous or attributed.

      Basic stages of the peer review process:

      • Instructor creates a Turnitin paper assignment.
      • Instructor creates a PeerMark assignment and sets the number of papers students will be required to review, and creates free response and scale questions for students to respond to while reviewing papers.
      • Student papers are submitted to the Turnitin assignment.
      • On the PeerMark assignment start date, students begin writing peer reviews.
      • For each assigned paper students write reviews by responding to the free response and scale questions.
      • Students receive reviews as other students complete them.
      • Once the PeerMark assignment due date passes no more reviews can be written, completed, or edited by the writer

      Click here for information about using PeerMark.

    • To implement iClicker in a course, the instructor must create the course in iClicker software, export an iClicker roster from Learning Suite, import it into iClicker, and synchronize iClicker remotes. Once scores are collected from the iClickers, they can be imported into BYU Grades in Learning Suite.

      Students must register their iClicker at ctl-clicker.byu.edu. This will register their iClicker in the local BYU database, which bypasses the national iClicker registration and saves students from paying a fee.

      Install iClicker Classic Software

      1. Create a new folder on the device’s desktop or in the applications folder, named “iClicker.”

      2. Go to https://www.iclicker.com/downloads/iclicker-classic/ and download the software appropriate for the operating system into the iClicker folder created in step 1.

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      3. Open the downloaded file (from step 2) and follow the installation instructions.

      4. Once installed, open the iClicker application icon to launch the software.

      5. Click + Create to create a new course. Name the course and click Create

      The course is now created in the iClicker database.

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      Export iClicker Roster from Learning Suite

      Export a class roster from Learning Suite specifically for use with iClicker software. A .txt file is exported with students’ last name, first name, and net ID.

      Note: Instructors will need to create their iClicker courses in the iClicker software first.

      1. Under BYU Grades, click on the Import/Export option located under the Grades menu on the left side of the screen. Click Export.

      2. Scroll to the bottom of the Export page and click on the radio button to the left of iClicker Roster (.txt) – formatted for iClicker software. Click Export Scores.

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      3. A dialog window will open. Save the file in the folder named "iClicker" that was created in step 1 of "Installing the iClicker Software." Name the file "Roster.txt" and click Save.

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      4. To verify the roster has been saved correctly, open the iClicker Program. Open the course in the iClicker software by selecting the course title and clicking Open Gradebook.

      5. Verify that the roster appears correctly.

      Note: The feature most instructors have problems with is syncing the roster between Learning Suite and iClicker. Make sure the roster reflects the following format: Last Name, First Name, BYU NetID. This format is used in the Learning Suite Gradebook iClicker roster export.

      Synchronize iClicker Remotes

      Note: Students must respond to a poll question before instructors can sync iClicker remotes with student ID’s.

      Ensure version 7.27.0 of the iClicker software is downloaded(https://www.iclicker.com/downloads/iclicker-classic/).

      1. Export the class roster for iClicker from BYU Grades in Learning Suite (refer to above).

      2. Replace the existing iClicker roster in the iClicker class folder. Make sure the roster file name is "Roster.txt" and is located in the correct course folder.

      3. Launch the iClicker software and click Open Gradebook.

      4. Click on the Settings menu item. Click on the Gradebook tab. Select General (No LMS) from the Roster Source dropdown menu.

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      5. To connect iClicker software to BYU’s local iClicker device database, rather than the national iClicker database, type SQLhttps://ctl-clicker.byu.edu/?c= into the Server URL text box under the Gradebook tab.

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      Note: Most of the problems in setting this up occur during the copying and pasting process. Extra spaces may be added at the beginning or end and will not appear but will invalidate the URL. If the sync does not work, please try directly typing the following in the Server URL field before calling 2-4000 for help: SQLhttps://ctl-clicker.byu.edu/?c=

      6. Click Save. Click Sync.

      The names of students with registered clickers will now appear in blue text in the Gradebook. Student names in red text indicate that the student has not registered an iClicker, and iClicker numbers in red indicate that the iClicker has not been registered yet by the student.

      Import iClicker Scores into BYU Grades

      Easily import iClicker scores to BYU Grades.

      1. Launch iClicker software. Select a course from the course list. Open the Gradebook. Select Export.

      Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 2.15.52 PM.png

      2. Select the sessions to export by clicking on the check box next to the session or sessions to upload to Learning Suite. Click Next.

      3. Choose how the data will be exported. Choose whether each session will be a separate entry or if sessions will be combined to create a single score. Also choose how the points will be exported. Most users choose total points, which combines performance and participation points.

      4. Click Export, name the exported file, and choose a location for the file. The default location is in the course file in the classes folder in iClicker.

      5. Navigate to the Learning Suite course and click BYU Grades.

      6. Click Import/Export from the menu on the left. By default the user is directed to the Import page.

      7. Click Choose Files. Locate and select the file exported from iClicker previously. By default that file is stored in the course folder in the classes folder in iClicker (see step 4 above).

      Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 2.16.43 PM.png

      8. Click Choose. Learning Suite displays a preview of the first five rows of the imported file. This helps identify what information is in the file.

      9. Select NetID from the dropdown menu under Match Identifier. This places the scores in the correct cells for each student.

      Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 2.18.30 PM.png

      10. Select where the scores will be placed in Learning Suite. For example, if the scores for session 3 in the exported iClicker file are for quiz three in Learning Suite, select quiz three from the dropdown menu next to Session 3 in the Gradebook Assignment column. Multiple sessions can be imported at one time.

      Note: Make sure that Don’t Import appears next to Last Name, First Name, Student ID and Remote ID.

      11. Click Import. The scores will be placed in Learning Suite for the appropriate assignment. Check the correct assignment is in the correct location in BYU Grades.