Scores Page (Gradebook) Skip to main content

Scores Page (Gradebook)

  • When setting up a course, instructors can set up the gradebook. Select Grades located in the menu bar at the top of the page.
    There are three options available to instructors:

    • Use BYU Learning Grades for my course
    • Link to another website (use an external gradebook)
    • Do not use BYU Learning Suite Grades

    Use BYU Learning Suite Grades

    Learning Suite provides a Gradebook feature with full assignment integration. These are the options available to customize the gradebook and grading method:

    • Grading Method: There are two grading methods available:
      • Total Points: Instructors who select this option choose to calculate grades by simply totaling the number of points for all assignments in Grades.
      • Weighted Categories: Instructors who select this option choose to calculate grades by specifying the percentage that all of the assignments in one category (such as quizzes) will contribute to the final grade.
    • Hide Gradebook from Students: Instructors who select this option will still be able to use BYU Grades. However, the Grades tab will be hidden from students until instructors uncheck this box.
    • Automatically enter zero for unscored assignments...: Instructors who select this option set the gradebook to enter a zero for unsubmitted assignments after a designated time. Instructors set the time frame using the drop down menu. When selecting a date range, be sure to take into account how long it will take you to complete grading for everyone in the class. Note: This is not a retroactive feature. Meaning that if this option is set halfway through the semester only assignments with due dates from that point on will auto-zero.
    • Allow students to view statistics for the overall grade: Instructors who select this option allow students to view statistics for the overall score, percentile, and the class high, average, and low scores.
    • Allow students to view statistics for each individual assignment: Instructors who select this option allow students to view statistics for an assignment score, percentile, and the class high, average, and low scores.

    Select Save and Continue. You will be directed to Scores page in BYU Grades.

    Link to Another Website

    Select Link to another website if you currently use another website to calculate your grades. Students can access the website when they click on the Grades tab.

    Note: This option does not automatically synchronize the external gradebook with other areas of Learning Suite. For example, assignments or exams created in Learning Suite will not show up on your third-party gradebook and will have to be entered manually.

    Select the Link to another website radio button. Enter the URL in the text box provided. Select Save and Continue.

    Do Not Include Learning Suite Gradebook

    Instructors who do not wish to use the Learning Suite Gradebook should select this option. Students will not see a Grades tab if this option is selected.

    Select the Do not include Learning Suite Gradebook radio button. Select Save and Continue.

    Disable Course Statistics

    Instructors can allow students to view course statistics for the overall grade and for individual assignments. Either of these features can be disabled at any time.

    1. Under BYU Grades, click Setup from the Grades navigation menu.
    2. Uncheck the box next to Allow students to view statistics for the overall grade, Allow students to view statistics for each individual assignment, or both.

    Note: These options are checked by default each time you choose to use BYU Learning Suite Gradebook.

    3. Click Save and Continue. Students will not be able to view
    statistics for unchecked features.

    Note: These preferences are course specific and the above steps will need to be repeated for each course.

    Hide the Gradebook from Students

    1. Under BYU Grades, click the Setup tab from the Grades navigation menu.
    2. Click the Use BYU Learning Suite Gradebook radio button. Check the box next to Hide Gradebook from Students. Click Save and Continue.

    Note: This option allows you to use BYU Grades, but hides the tab from students. This feature may be beneficial if you adjust grades (e.g., apply a curve) before assigning a final grade and don't want to confuse students. Please remember, however, that prompt feedback is cited as a key to learning.

    Note: Instructors can adjust the selected grading options at any time by going to the Setup tab located in the left side navigation menu in BYU Grades.

  • Adjust Scores

    1. Under BYU Grades, click the dropdown arrow next to the desired assignment, and then click Adjust Scores.
    2. The Adjust Score dialog window will open. Enter the desired number of points to add or subtract from students’ grades. Positive values will add points to the existing scores, while negative values will subtract points from the existing scores.

      Note: Additionally, the option to Limit scores to between assignment min and max scores can be enabled by checking its checkbox.

    3. When finished, click Save. A warning dialog window will open stating the change that will be made and the permanent nature of the change. Click Confirm to adjust the scores. The changes in students’ scores will be reflected on the Scores page under the assignment selected.

    Score Entry

    1. Click BYU Grades and then Scores. This gradebook is where scores can be manually entered.
    2. Students’ names will be listed along the left-hand side alphabetically, and assignments will be listed along the top. Find the assignment you want to score and click the box corresponding to the correct student.

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    3. Enter the correct score. Press enter to proceed down the column to the next student.

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    4. If the assignment has been submitted online, you can view the details of an assignment and grade it by clicking on the paper icon that appears in the score entry box.

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    5. The Grader will open. The score can be entered in the text box in the menu on the left.
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    Note: If the instructor wants to only view the Letter Grade for the assignment, edit the category on the top by the All Assignments button. Click Edit Category. Check Students view scores in Letter Grade. Click Save.

    Sorting the Scores Page

    Options available to sort the scores page for:

    • Assignment Name ‘A-Z’
    • Assignment Name ‘Z-A’
    • Assignment Page Order
    • Due Date ‘Increasing’
    • Due Date ‘Decreasing’

    At the top of the BYU Grades page is a dropdown menu titled Sort By. Click the dropdown arrow and select the sorting option desired. The Score page will readjust to reflect the sorting option selected.


    Download xAPI Statements

    1. Under BYU Grades, click on the dropdown menu next to the assignment title.
    2. Click View Captivate Statistics.
    3. A dialog window appears. View a summary of the statements.
    4. Click on Download Statements to download the xAPI statements. A CSV file will download to your computer.

    Edit Assignment Category in BYU Grades

    You can quickly edit categories from the Scores page in BYU Grades, instead of having to move to the Assignments page to edit. Categories can be edited to change its title, drop low scores, or change how students view scores for assignments.

    1. Any category created in your course appears at the top of the gradebook. You can select a category tab to filter the gradebook to only display assignments in a particular category.
    2. Click the drop down arrow next to a category title and select Edit Category.


    3. The Edit Category dialog window appears. From here the title of the category can be modified, you can choose to drop scores or not, and you can change if students view grades for assignments in the category in points, percent, and/or letter grade.
    4. Click Save when changes have been made.

    Modify Grades in the View Scores

    Grades can be modified for individual students in the View Scores window. This feature allows instructors to protect the privacy of other students and view a student’s overall performance in the class.

    1. Click on the dropdown menu next to the student’s first name in the gradebook.
    2. Click View Scores.


    3. You can view a summary of the student’s scores. If you want to edit an individual score, click on the score.


    4. Type a new score in the text box and hit enter on your keyboard. The scores will be updated in BYU Grades.

    Batch download/upload assignments

    Students can submit assignments online via attachment(s). Batch downloads and uploads make it easier for you to grade those assignments.

    By using a Batch Download form in the Scores page, you can download all assignments at once. After downloading, you can pull up each assignment individually, grade it, and add commentary. Once the grading is complete, the Batch Upload feature can be used to upload all of the corrected assignments to the Grader at one time. A Batch Upload will automatically associate the correct file with the correct student, allowing him or her to see your corrections and comments.

    To Batch Download:

    1. Click on the drop down menu located next to the assignment title in Gradebook.
    2. Click Batch Download.


    3. A dialog window appears. Click Save to download the batch of assignments. The files inside of the .zip file will be formatted with the student’s last name, first name, net ID, and the file name.

    Note: Once you have edited the files, make sure to save the files with the same name format, but in a new location. Otherwise you will not be able to upload the batch back into Learning Suite.

    To Batch Upload:

    1. Open the folder where the assignments are saved on your computer.

    Note: The file names can be edited with the exception of the Net ID and underscores. Those values in the file names must remain unchanged.

    The following are examples of approved edits for the file name Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx:

    • Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx
    • Doe_Jane_jdoe1_JaneDoeGRADED.docx
    • DoeABC_Jane_jdoe1_JaneDoeGRADED.docx
    • GRADED-Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx

    The following are examples of edits that are NOT okay to make for the file name Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx:

    • Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx (name and netid removed)
    • Doe_Jane_jdoes1ABC_Assignment1_submission.docx (netid edited)
    • jdoe1_Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx (name removed)
    • GRADED_Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx ("_" added to the beginning)

    2. Select all the assignments. Right click on the selection. A menu will appear.

    3. Click Send To…

    4. Click Compressed (zipped) folder.

    Note: You must send the files directly to the compressed zip folder, as shown above. If you try and put your assignments in a file, then zip that and upload it, your upload will be unsuccessful. To ensure your formatting is correct, when you double click to open your zip file, the first thing you should see are the assignment files, and not another file containing the assignments.


    5. Click on the drop down menu located next to the assignment title in BYU Grades.

    6. Click Batch Upload.


    7. A dialog window will appears. Select the newly created .zip folder. Click Open. A green dialog window will appear confirming the files were uploaded.


    Note: To view the uploaded files, click on the Paper icon located in the assignment column next to the student’s grade. The Grader will open.

    8. Click the Feedback drop down menu.

    9. Click the Upload menu. All files that have been uploaded using the batch upload process will be displayed.

    Excuse Assignment

    Instructors can excuse an individual student’s assignment within BYU Grades. If the assignment is excused for an individual, then that assignment is no longer considered in the calculation of their grade. For example, if there were 100 points possible for the course and you excuse the student on a 15 point assignment, then the student’s score is figured on a basis of 85 points and no points are awarded the student for the excused assignment.

    If instructors allow students to drop a low score, the excused assignment is not considered in this scenario. The next lowest required assignment would be the score that is dropped.

    Also, if an instructor excuses a student from an assignment that is “required to pass the course” the student will still pass the course (assuming the rest of their scores are sufficient for a passing grade in your course).

    1. Under BYU Grades, click the drop down arrow next to the title of the desired assignment and click Open Grader.
    2. Select the student whose assignment you want to excuse.
    3. Check the Excuse this student box.


      1. The text box for inputting scores will become blank and if hovered over will read “This student has been excused”.

    Display Missing Scores

    1. Click the Display drop down menu and check the box next to Missing scores.


    2. Click anywhere on the screen to collapse the drop down menu. A row located below the last student titled Missing Scores appears. It lists the number of students without a score for each column.
    3. Click an assignment dropdown menu and select Sort high to low or Sort low to high. This allows instructors to easily view which students are missing scores as they will be group at the bottom or top of the page, depending on the option they selected.


    Display Total Points Possible

    1. The Display drop down menu and check the box next to Points possible.


    2. Click anywhere on the screen to collapse the drop down menu. A row located below the last student titled Points Possible appears. It lists the total points possible for the overall score column and all other assignments and exams.

    Overall Score Dropdown Menu

    1. Click the arrow next to Overall Score.


    The options listed are:

    • Flag low scores
      • The Low Scores - Overall dialog window appears.
        Check the box next to Flag scores. Enter the desired percentage in the text box. The text at the bottom of the dialog window will notify you of all students whose grade falls below the specified percentage.
      • Click Notify all students listed below to send a Learning Suite message to all students whose names appear.
        Click an individual student’s name to send a personalized message. The Message to students with low scores or Email to [Student’s Name] dialog window will appear. You can send a message or email to these students from this window. Click Apply. The scores below the chosen percent will have a red flag next to them.
    • View statistics
      • Click View statistics.
        The Statistics - Overall Score window will appear. This window displays statistics, such as the mean score, median score, low score, high score, etc.
    • Edit the score view
      • After clicking Edit Score View, the Scores View dialog window will appear. Select how you want to view scores: Points, Percentage, and/or Letter grade. Enter how many decimal points will be included in the scores. Click Save. The selected options will appear in the Overall Score column.
    • Show or Hide dropped scores
      • After clicking Show Dropped Scores, the dropped scores will appear grey with a line through them. To hide dropped scores, return to the Overall Score drop down menu and click Hide dropped scores.
    • Sort scores high to low or low to high 
      • Select whether you want to sort scores high to low or low to high. The overall scores will be rearranged according to your selection. The image below is an example of sorting high to low.
        Note: Click the Last Name, First Name, or Net ID column header to sort by those options.

    Display Student pictures on Scores Page

    In BYU Grades, the small icons next to the students’ names can be hovered over to display the students’ pictures. This icon can be toggled by checking or unchecking Student Photos in the Display dropdown menu.


  • Import Grades

    Instructors can import assignment and exam scores into BYU Grades using a CSV file.

    1. Create an assignment or exam for the scores to be imported into.

    Click here for more information about creating an assignment or exam.

    2. Open a program, such as Excel, where the CSV file will be created.

    3. Create an identifier column by entering the type of identifier in the top left cell. The identifier will ensure that the right score matches with the right student. It is best to use Net IDs, since it is unique to each student. (BYU IDs and email addresses can be used as well. The email address must be the one a student has on file in AIM).

    Note: Scores will not enter properly if there is not a header for the Net ID and assignment score columns.

    4. Add all students’ net IDs to the Net ID column.

    5. Create an assignment identifier column by entering the title of the assignment or exam in the cell to the right of Net ID.

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    Note: More than one assignment or exam can be imported at a time. Simply include another column with the assignment identifier and scores.

    6. Highlight all cells that will contain scores. Right click and select Format Cells….

    7. A dialog window appears. Select General, Number, Percent or Text from the list on the left. Any other format will not import correctly into Learning Suite. Then select OK.

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    Instructors may upload percentages into Learning Suite. Ensure the assignment column that will be uploaded as percentages is formatted to percentage in Excel.

    Note: The following steps may vary based on what program you are using.

    8. Save the CSV file by clicking the File option and then selecting Save As. Enter a File name. Select the Save as type drop down menu. Select the CSV (Comma Delimited) option. Click Save.

    Image 5-24-22 at 11.26 AM.jpg

    9. In Learning Suite, go to BYU Grades and click Import/Export from the Grades navigation menu.

    10. Select Choose Files. Choose the CSV File to upload and click Open.

    11. Four sections will appear. Section 2, Preview file, displays a preview of the file selected. Make sure this is the correct file.

    12. Click the drop down menu in section 3, Match Identifier, and select the column in the CSV file that corresponds to students’ Net IDs (or BYU ID or email addresses if used).

    13. The first column in the table listed under section 4, Match imported points columns to gradebook assignments, lists the title of all columns in the CSV file. Click the drop down next to the identifier column (Net ID) and select Don’t Import. The Net ID column does not need to be imported into BYU Grades as it is only used to tie the correct score to the correct student.

    14. Click the drop down next to the remaining File Column titles and select the corresponding Learning Suite assignments. Click Import.

    15. Import Summary appears. It displays the number of scores that were imported successfully or unsuccessfully. Click View Details to see which rows did and did not successfully import.

    A red exclamation mark indicates that all or part of the import was unsuccessful. Click View Details for more information, and check the original file to ensure correct cell formatting was applied as shown in Step 5-7.

    Export Grades

    Instructors can export grades to a spreadsheet or .txt file. This is a helpful feature if special calculations, not available in BYU Grades, are needed. The scores can be exported, recalculated using Excel or other software, and then imported back into BYU Grades.

    Note: Dropped scores are included in the exported file, but as in BYU Grades, are dropped from the total points earned for each student. This means the total points earned in the exported file will match the overall score in BYU Grades.

    1. Under BYU Grades, click Import/Export in the Grades navigation menu. Then click Export under Import/Export.

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    2. Select the information to export in Section 1. All assignments and student information are listed.

    3. Select the scoring methods to export in Section 2. The default and required scoring method when exporting assignment grades is points. The percent and letter grade score can be exported, as well as the points possible for assignments. Additionally, the instructor can select the option to zero all unscored items.

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    If exporting final grades, the Current Settings column in the Final Grades page is exported, not the Final Grades for Submission column. This means that the Overall Score column is equivalent to what will be exported, and can be displayed in Points, Percent, or Letter Grade format.

    Note: When exporting final grades, no other option can be selected. This is because final grades are dependent on all assignments and exams.

    4. Select what file type will be exported in Section 3:

    • Comma-separated values (CSV): Comma separated values are used to store data in a structured table and will open in Microsoft Excel.
    • Text document (.txt): A text document (.txt) can be opened by multiple programs.
    • iClicker Roster (.txt): If this radio button is selected, a class roster that includes students' last name, first name, and netID will be exported. This format is compatible and can be imported directly into iClicker.
      Note: No other information can be exported with an iClicker roster. All other options will be greyed out and not selectable if this option is selected.

    Note: Checking the box next to Mark Dropped Scores will present dropped scores in the exported file with “:dropped” after the score. Dropped scores cannot be excluded from exported files because they would be lost if the file were imported back into Learning Suite.

    5. Click Export Scores. The file will be downloaded to your computer.

    Exporting Scores that Include Withdrawn Students

    Exported scores lists can also include scores for students no longer enrolled in the course if desired. This is especially useful if:

    • Students switch sections of the same course. For example, scores can be exported from section 1 and imported into section 2.
    • Students that dropped, withdrew, etc. are challenging grades.
    • If students are requesting information about assignments submitted before withdrawing from the course, students can be directed to the BYU Financial Aid Office (801.422.4104). The financial aid office can access a report that gives students the needed information.

    1. Under BYU Grades, click Import/Export in the Grades navigation menu on the left. Click Export in the submenu that appears.

    2. Select desired information to export. Under 2. Choose Score Output, check the Include scores for students no longer enrolled in the course box.

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    3. Select the file format for the exported scores. Click Export Scores.

    Notes about the exported file:

    • The students who are no longer enrolled in the course will have a '~' in front of their last name. This will put them at the bottom of the list.
    • If the option to include the last name is not enabled, there is no indication of which students are no longer enrolled.
    • If students who are no longer enrolled are included, the section number field will be blank.
    • Instructors, co-instructors, or TAs who take an exam will appear in the file if the option to include students who are no longer enrolled is enabled.
    • Students who never had any scores entered will not appear in the list.
  • If students’ exam grades do not appear in BYU Grades after a student completes an exam, it’s likely because the exam contains manually graded questions.

    Exam grades do not appear in BYU Grades until an instructor or TA grades manually graded questions:

    • Open response questions are always manually graded.
    • Fill in the blank questions may be manually graded if Computer-scored answer(s) is left blank during question creation.

    Contact the OIT Service Desk (801.422.4000, if you do not have manually graded questions in the exam and students’ grades do not appear after an exam is completed.

  • Why Students with the Same Points have Different Grades

    In BYU Grades, the Overall Score column displays the overall grade each student has earned according to the assignments and exams that have been scored so far.

    Occasionally, students may end up with the same number of points in the Overall Score column but different percentages or letter grades. This can happen for two reasons:

    1. Students have unscored assignments or exams:

    Students may have the same number of points, but different percentages or letter grades because the Overall Score column does not take unscored assignments into consideration.

    Consider this example. Imagine a course consists of three assignments: reading, participation, and a final exam.

    • Student one received a 24/25, 1/1, and 25/30, respectively, on the assignments.
    • Student two received 25/25 for reading and 25/30 for the final exam but has not been given a grade for participation.

    This scenario gives the two students the same number of points, 50, but different percentages and letter grades because student 2 has not received a grade for participation.

    2. Weighted category grading is used for the course

    Students may have the same number of points, but different percentages or letter grades because the course uses a weighted grade scale.

    Consider this example. A course consists of three assignments: reading, participation, and a final exam. The category weights are 30%, 20%, and 50% respectively.

    The students’ grades are such that they received the same number of total points, 51. However, because the final exam is worth 50% of students’ grades and student one scored better on the final exam than student two, student one has an A while student two has an A-.

  • Adjust Scores

    1. Under the Grades tab, click the dropdown arrow next to the desired assignment, then click Adjust Scores.
    2. The Adjust Score dialog window will open. Enter the desired number of points to add or subtract from students’ grades. Positive values will add points to the existing scores, while negative values will subtract points from the existing scores.
      Note: Additionally, the option to Limit scores to between assignment min and max scores can be enabled by checking its checkbox.
    3. When finished, click Save. A warning dialog window will open stating the change that will be made and the permanent nature of the change. Click Confirm to adjust the scores. The changes in students’ scores will be reflected on the Scores page under the assignment selected.

    Score Entry

    The gradebook is where scores can be manually entered.

    1. Under the Grades tab, students’ names will be listed along the left-hand side alphabetically, and assignments will be listed along the top. Find the assignment you want to score and click the box corresponding to the correct student.
    2. Enter the correct score. Press enter to proceed down the column to the next student.
    3. If the assignment has been submitted online, you can view the details of an assignment and grade it by clicking on the paper icon that appears in the score entry box.
    4. The Grader will open. The score can be entered in the blue Score box.

    Note: If the instructor wants to only view the Letter Grade for the assignment, click the Selected assignments dropdown on the Grades page. Under Students Can view scores in, check the Letter Grade option, then click Save.

    Sorting the Scores Page

    At the top of the Grades page is a dropdown menu titled Sort by. Click the dropdown arrow and select the sorting option desired. The Scores page will readjust to reflect the sorting option selected.

    Download xAPI Statements

    1. Under Grades, click on the dropdown menu next to the assignment title.
    2. Click View Statistics.
    3. A pop up window appears with the assignment statistics summary.

    Edit Assignment Category in Grades

    You can quickly edit categories from the Scores page instead of having to move to the Assignments page to edit. Categories can be edited to change title, drop low scores, or change how students view scores for assignments.

    1. Any category created in your course appears in the All assignments dropdown. You can select a category to filter the gradebook to only display assignments in a particular category.
    2. Click the pencil icon next to a category title to edit.
    3. The Edit Category dialog window appears. From here the title of the category can be modified, you can choose to drop scores or not, and you can change if students view grades for assignments in the category in points, percent, and/or letter grade.
    4. Click Save when changes have been made.

      Batch download/upload assignments

      Students can submit assignments online via attachment(s). Batch downloads and uploads make it easier for you to grade those assignments.

      By using a Batch Download form in the Scores page, you can download all assignments at once. After downloading, you can pull up each assignment individually, grade it, and add commentary. Once the grading is complete, the Batch Upload feature can be used to upload all of the corrected assignments to the Grader at one time. A Batch Upload will automatically associate the correct file with the correct student, allowing him or her to see your corrections and comments.

      To Batch Download:

      1. Click on the drop down menu located next to the assignment title in Gradebook.
      2. Click Batch Download.
      3. A dialog window appears. Click Save to download the batch of assignments. The files inside of the .zip file will be formatted with the student’s last name, first name, net ID, and the file name.

      Note: Once you have edited the files, make sure to save the files with the same name format, but in a new location. Otherwise you will not be able to upload the batch back into Learning Suite.

      To Batch Upload:

      1. Open the folder where the assignments are saved on your computer.

      Note: The file names can be edited with the exception of the Net ID and underscores. Those values in the file names must remain unchanged.

      The following are examples of approved edits for the file name Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx:

      • Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx
      • Doe_Jane_jdoe1_JaneDoeGRADED.docx
      • DoeABC_Jane_jdoe1_JaneDoeGRADED.docx
      • GRADED-Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx

      The following are examples of edits that are NOT okay to make for the file name Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx:

      • Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx (name and netid removed)
      • Doe_Jane_jdoes1ABC_Assignment1_submission.docx (netid edited)
      • jdoe1_Assignment1_submission_GRADED.docx (name removed)
      • GRADED_Doe_Jane_jdoe1_Assignment1_submission.docx ("_" added to the beginning)

      2. Select all the assignments. Right click on the selection. A menu will appear.

      3. Click Send To…

      4. Click Compressed (zipped) folder.

      Note: You must send the files directly to the compressed zip folder, as shown above. If you try and put your assignments in a file, then zip that and upload it, your upload will be unsuccessful. To ensure your formatting is correct, when you double click to open your zip file, the first thing you should see are the assignment files, and not another file containing the assignments.


      5. Click on the drop down menu located next to the assignment title in BYU Grades.

      6. Click Batch Upload.

      7. A dialog window will appears. Select the newly created .zip folder. Click Open. A green dialog window will appear confirming the files were uploaded.

      Note: To view the uploaded files, click on the Paper icon located in the assignment column next to the student’s grade. The Grader will open.

      8. Click the Feedback drop down menu.

      9. Click the Upload menu. All files that have been uploaded using the batch upload process will be displayed.

      Excuse Assignment

      Instructors can excuse an individual student’s assignment within BYU Grades. If the assignment is excused for an individual, then that assignment is no longer considered in the calculation of their grade. For example, if there were 100 points possible for the course and you excuse the student on a 15 point assignment, then the student’s score is figured on a basis of 85 points and no points are awarded the student for the excused assignment.

      If instructors allow students to drop a low score, the excused assignment is not considered in this scenario. The next lowest required assignment would be the score that is dropped.

      Also, if an instructor excuses a student from an assignment that is “required to pass the course” the student will still pass the course (assuming the rest of their scores are sufficient for a passing grade in your course).

      1. Under Grades, click the drop down arrow next to the title of the desired assignment and click Open Grader.
      2. Select the student whose assignment you want to excuse.
      3. Check the Excuse this student box.
        a, The letter x will show in the text box for the student, and when hovered over, it will read “excused."

      Display Options

      Click the Display dropdown menu and check the box next to each preferred option. Click anywhere on the screen to collapse the drop down menu. The selected options will appear on the page according to the corresponding heading on the dropdown menu.

      Student Photos

      The small icons next to the students’ names can be hovered over to display the students’ pictures.

      Sort High/Low

      Click an assignment dropdown menu and select Sort high to low or Sort low to high. This allows instructors to easily view which students are missing scores as they will be group at the bottom or top of the page, depending on the option selected.

      Overall Score Dropdown Menu

      1. Click the dropdown arrow next to Overall Score.

      The options listed are:

      • Flag low scores
        • The Low Scores - Overall dialog window appears.
          Check the box next to Flag scores. Enter the desired percentage in the text box. The text at the bottom of the dialog window will notify you of all students whose grade falls below the specified percentage.
        • Click Notify all students listed below to send a Learning Suite message to all students whose names appear.
          Click an individual student’s name to send a personalized message. The Message to students with low scores or Email to [Student’s Name] dialog window will appear. You can send a message or email to these students from this window. Click Apply. The scores below the chosen percent will have a red flag next to them.
      • View statistics
        • Click View statistics.
          The Statistics - Overall Score window will appear. This window displays statistics, such as the mean score, median score, low score, high score, etc.
      • Edit score view
        • After clicking Edit Score View, the Scores View dialog window will appear. Select how you want to view scores: Points, Percentage, and/or Letter grade. Enter how many decimal points will be included in the scores. Click Save. The selected options will appear in the Overall Score column.
      • Hide dropped scores
        • Dropped scores will appear as normal but will read as "dropped" when hovered over.
      • Sort scores high to low or low to high 
        • The overall scores will be rearranged according to preferred selection.