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Course List

  • The Course List is the default landing page after logging into BYU Learning Suite. The user can:

    • access different course list views
    • view course status
    • view system wide announcements
    • use the Home navigation menu

    Course List Views

    Instructors can view your current, future, past, development, and community courses by clicking on each appropriate tab. Click on any course title to enter the course and begin creating or editing course content.

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    Note: Often instructors cannot view a course on the course list because he/she is not listed as an instructor for that course in AIM. Contact your department secretary to be added to the course.

    Course Status

    Depending on the status of the course, three different buttons will appear to the right of the course title.

    • Set up course: The course has not been set up. Click the button to begin creating your course.
    • Publish: The course has been set up but has not been published yet. Unpublished courses cannot be viewed by students. Click the Publish button when you are ready for students to view course materials and content.
    • Unpublish: The course has been set up and published. Published courses can be viewed by students. Courses can be unpublished at any time but it may be disruptive to students.

    System Announcements

    Scheduled outages may occur for updates or maintenance and are typically scheduled during times Learning Suite receives the least amount of traffic. Students and instructors will be warned of these occurrences in advance through system announcements that appear on the right side of the Course List page.

    Home Navigation Menu

    Navigate to other pages to create and publish announcements, add files and learning outcomes, email students, and view copyright resources and the course reserve by using the Home menu, located on the left.

    Update Your Course List

    At the beginning of a new semester, courses an instructor is a primary instructor for appear in their Course List.

    Occasionally, the primary instructor for a course may be changed before the semester begins. These changes may take a few days to reflect because Course List information is cached. However, the course list can be refreshed to immediately reflect changes. Click Refresh List to have changes reflected immediately.

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  • More info on Question Banks and Pools can be found here.

  • Teaching Stewardship

  • Instructors can view the exams they have scheduled in the testing center under the Testing Center Exams tab in the Home menu.

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    For more information on Testing Center Exams, click here.

  • Learning Outcomes help students understand how the work in the course enables them to develop the knowledge and skills listed in the outcomes. Learning outcomes also help students create a personal portfolio to enhance their credibility with potential employers.

    The outcomes labeled All Sections are provided and required by your department and can be changed only by department administrators. Likewise, program outcomes can be changed only by department or program administrators.


    Add/Edit/Delete Learning Outcomes

    1. To add personalized outcomes for a course, click +New Course Outcome.
    2. Once the dialog window opens, input a title for the new Learning Outcome in Title/Label.
    3. In the description box, input the full text of the Learning Outcome. Use active verbs to make them more effective.
    4. Click Save.

    To edit a personalized outcome, click the pencil icon next to its title. Edit the title and description in the dialog window. Click Save Changes.

    To delete a personalized outcome, click the trash icon next to its title. When the dialog window appears, click Yes, delete this one.

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    Note: Departmental Learning Outcomes cannot be edited or deleted. If an instructor feels these Learning Outcomes need to be changed, they need to contact their Department Chair.

    Link Items to Learning Outcomes

    Learning Outcomes can be linked to specific assignments, exams, question blocks, and specific questions within exams. The summary of students' performance for each outcome is located under each Learning Outcome.

    To link a Learning Outcome to a new or existing assignment:

    1. In the assignment options dialog window, click the Learning Outcomes tab.
    2. Select your scoring method using the Scoring Method dropdown.
    3. Select the learning outcomes that will be linked to this assignment using the Select learning outcomes dropdown menu.

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    4. Select the checkboxes next to the learning outcome that will be connected to the assignment.

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    5. Click Save.

    To link a Learning Outcome to an exam and/or within exams:

    1. After creating the exam questions and question blocks, the Learning Outcomes tab will display options where you can link the Learning Outcome.

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    • to link to the entire exam: use the dropdown menu next to Select default Learning Outcome (optional)
    • to link to specific questions: use the dropdown menu next to each question
    • to link to a question block: use the dropdown menu next to the Question Block. In the example above, the question block is, "Leadership and Collaboration."

    Note: Learning outcomes can be linked when creating a new question or question block. Select the learning outcomes from the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the dialog window.

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    View Results for Each Learning Outcome

    Once the Learning Outcome is added to the item, instructors can view the performance of students under each listed Learning Outcome.

    Every student's score on each associated assignment, exam, exam question, or exam question block is converted to a letter grade, based on the course grade scale and then translated to:

    • A: exceeds expectations
    • B and C (P for Pass/Fail Classes): meets expectations
    • D and below (E for Pass/Fail Classes): below expectations

    1. To view a summary of students' performance, under Course Home, click on Learning Outcomes, and then Course Review.

    2. Click Show Achievement Chart under a specific learning outcome.

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    3. A bar graph appears, with the percentage of students in each category displayed. Click Hide Achievement Chart to collapse it.

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    4. To the right of the bar graph, click X Evidences. This chart breaks down students' performance by each assignment that is attached to the specific Learning Outcome.

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    The student will see the following under each learning outcome in the Learning Outcome tab:

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  • Learning Suite provides a central storage area for all media that instructors upload to their course (e.g., images, documents, videos, audio files). This central storage area is called Files. Files is found on the Course List page. If an instructor uploads a file directly into their course, it will automatically be stored in their Files page. However, files that are deleted from a course are not deleted from the Files page. Likewise, deleting a file from the Files page will not delete the file from the course.

    Add File

    1. Click Files under the Home menu and click the + Add File button.

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    2. The Add File dialog window will open.

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    • Upload File: "Choose Files" will open files on the computer. Select the desired files to upload.
    • Description: Enter a short description to describe the file or files. This is not required to upload the file(s).
    • Location: The dropdown menu includes any files in the directory. The file can be uploaded directly to these files or to the root folder titled Files.
    • The following options are only available during a single file upload:
      • Replace Existing File provides an option to upload the file and replace a file currently in the directory. Checking this box will open a dialog window that will locate the file to replace.
      • Rename File is to rename the file so that its title is different in the Files directory than it is in the computer.
        Note: If the title of the file being uploaded already exists in the directory, the Rename File option will be forced to avoid error.

    3. Click Save. The added file or files will appear in the location selected in the Add File dialog window.

    Limit access to uploaded files

    Instructors can upload files to or OneDrive ( and change permission settings so only specific people can preview the files. They can also turn off download so the files can be viewed but not copied. These options will work for any file that can be viewed in a browser such as video, images, pdf, etc.

    1. To get a list of all the student emails in the class, go to and select My BYU. Under the Quick Links, type in CLS04. Enter the course name, number, and section. Then click Export (bottom of the list). It will download a .csv file with information which includes the emails of students in the class.

    Click here for information on how to embed these files into your Learning Suite course.

    2. – make sure you log in with your credentials to have unlimited file storage. Upload the videos or other files to share with your students.

    3. Click on a file and click Share. At the bottom change Invited People Only to People with Link or People in your company (this last option will require the student to sign in). Use the list downloaded from AIM to limit it to students in the class. After the instructor changes the aforementioned option on the right side, they can now change Can view and download to can view only, etc.

    For more detailed instructions:

    OneDrive (go to, log in with your credentials, then click on OneDrive from the menu at the top). Upload the files, mouse over the file name and click the Share icon. Now set permissions on who can access this file. Use the list downloaded from AIM to limit it to students in the class. You can also set an expiration date or require a password. If you uncheck the “Edit” box, people with access to the file are limited to view only.

    Add new folder to file system

    1. Under Files, click + New Folder.

    2. A green notification at the top of the page will notify the folder was successfully created, as well as the new folder being selected and highlighted. All folders are titled untitled by default, but this can be edited by typing in the textbox.

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    3. The folder can be placed into another folder by simply dragging and dropping it into another folder. All files inside the folder will follow accordingly. To put a file back into the root location, drag and drop it into the space at the top of the files.

    Note: Additional options, such as editing or deleting the folder, are available by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the pencil icon.

    Copy file in file system

    1. Under Files, click Options next to the file to copy and click Copy.

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    2. The Copy dialog window will open. Select the desired new location in the dropdown menu. When finished, click Copy.

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    If copying the file to a location where a file with the same name already exists, the following dialog window will appear. Select the desired option and click Continue.

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    The copied file will appear in the selected location.

    Delete File in File System

    1. Once in Files, click Options next to the file to delete and click Delete.

    2. A dialog window will appear to confirm the selection. Click Delete. The file will be deleted from the file system of Learning Suite.

    Download files in file system

    1. Once in Files, click Options next to the file to delete and click Download.

    2. A dialog window will notify the user of the number of files selected for download and ask for confirmation. Click Download Files.

    3. Select the desired location in the computer and click Save.

    Edit File Info in File System

    1. Once in Files, click Options next to the file to edit and click Edit.

    2. The Edit Info dialog window will open. The File Name and Description can be edited. When finished, click Save.

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    Move file

    1. Once in Files, click Options next to the file to move and click Move.

    2. The Move dialog window will open. Select a location from the dropdown menu and click Move.
    A green box will confirm the file was moved successfully.

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    Preview file

    1. Once in Files, click Options next to the file to preview and click Preview.

    2. Depending on the file type, a preview of it will open. The preview window also provides a Download File button to download the file if desired.

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    Batch Options

    To perform an action on multiple files, click each file while pressing shift. Click the Options menu. This will allow the user to either Move, Copy, Download, or Delete multiple files at a time.

    Best practices— Video files

    Learning Suite strives to support the following video files: .mpg, .mp4, .mpeg, .mov, .wmv, .avi, .flv. In Learning Suite, the video will either play from BYU Learning Suite’s video player or users will be able to download it to their computer and play it from a video player on their computer.

    Try these tips for viewing video files successfully in BYU Learning Suite:

    Details for specific video types:

    • The most compatible video format is an .mp4 video that is encoded with H264 codec. (*This is the recommended video file type to use in BYU Learning Suite.)
    • Flash files (.flv) are also very compatible because most users have Flash Player on their computers.
    • MOV files (.mov) are usually compatible because many users have the QuickTime video player on their computers.
    • Windows Media Videos files (.wmv) are usually compatible on Windows computers, but only play on Mac computers after downloading additional software (like VLC).
    • Audio Video Interleave files (.avi) will not play in BYU Learning Suite, but should play in most video players after downloading.
    • Moving Picture Experts Group (.mpeg and .mpg) files will not play in BYU Learning Suite, but should play in most video players after downloading.

    Other tips:

    • Use an online video converting site if you need to convert video files.
    • Instructors and students can download different types of video players like Adobe Flash PlayerVLC, and QuickTime.
    • Support for video types in the BYU Learning Suite video player may change over time as new versions of browsers alter their support for certain video types.