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Course Schedule

Easily organize components of the course using the Course Schedule. Schedule comes pre-populated, listing the days the course will be held, holidays, alternate instruction days (where holidays cause a change in the schedule), devotional and forum dates, and final exam information. In addition, assignments and exams created in Assignments, Syllabus, or BYU grades will be viewable and editable in Schedule.

NOTE: The Schedule uses the course "Teaching days" as listed in Coursedog/AIM to prepopulate visible days. If your course is listed as "TBA" you will need to manually add schedule days following instructions below.

The default view for the Schedule displays a calendar on the left side, and then columns, showing specific attributes, on the right. Every course schedule will automatically contain two columns. Up to five columns can be added.
  • Renaming, Reordering

    Learning Suite allows instructors to organize course content in the Schedule into columns.

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    • Under Schedule, change the name of the column by clicking on the column name text box.
    • To edit column information, click on the drop down menu next to the column title.
    • Move a column left or right depending on the location of the column. Highlight the Move Column option. Another menu will appear. Select Move to the Left/Right to move the column.
    • Add a column to the left or the right depending on the location of the column. Highlight the +Add column option. Select Add on the Left/Right to add a column. Also, delete a column by clicking Delete column.
    • Add a hidden column to the left or the right depending on the location of the column. Highlight the +Add Hidden Column option. Select Add on the Left/Right to add a hidden column. This column will not be visible to students.
    • To customize what calendar items appear under each column, check the appropriate boxes listed underneath Show Categories. Each of the categories created in the Assignments tab will be listed. Checking the box next to a category will include all of the assignments that correspond to that category. Category titles cannot be changed within Schedule, but you can change them from the assignments tab under Course Home, BYU Grades, or Syllabus. RSS feeds can also be added to Schedule.
    • To organize assignments in the Schedule by Learning Outcomes, create and name as many columns as necessary with each column representing a Learning Outcome. Check the assignment categories containing the assignments that pertain to the Learning Outcome in the title.

    Note: Devotional and forum information will only show in the schedule if Tuesdays are in the schedule.

    Hidden Columns

    A hidden column can be added to the Schedule to allow instructors to input information that they do not wish students to view, such as lesson plans or notes. Information found in hidden columns does not appear on students’ schedules or dashboards.

    Note: Co-instructors and TAs can view hidden columns.

    1. Under Schedule, click the drop down arrow next to any of the column titles.

    2. Select + Add Hidden Column from the drop down menu.

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    3. Select to add the column to the left or to the right of the current column. The column will be added in the appropriate location. Categories cannot be added to hidden columns. This means that assignments, exams, or devotional information cannot be added to the column. Only text items can be added.

    Note: The column can be deleted at any time by clicking the drop down arrow next to the column title and selecting Delete Column.

    RSS feeds

    An RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. For example, if the instructor's students are required to keep up to date on world events, they can add a news website RSS feed and the major headlines will appear in the BYU Learning Suite Schedule and Dashboard.

    Note: RSS Feed information does not appear in students’ combined calendar.

    To Add a RSS Feed

    1. Under Schedule, click on +Add RSS Feed found at the bottom of the Show Categories section of each column.

    Note: Instructors can add multiple RSS feeds to a course Schedule column.

    2. A dialog window will appear. Type the RSS feed URL in the text box. Click Add Feed to add the feed to the course Schedule. View the RSS feed information in the course Schedule.

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    Note: The feed will update automatically as the content changes. Students will be able to access the content by clicking on the links that appear in the Schedule. RSS feed information can also be accessed through the Dashboard.

    To Edit a RSS Feed

    1. Under Schedule, click on the Pencil icon located next to the title of your RSS feed.

    2. A dialog window will appear. Edit the RSS Feed title by clicking in the Feed Title textbox. Edit the RSS Feed URL by clicking in the New URL textbox. Save changes by clicking Update. View changes.

    To Delete a RSS Feed

    1. Click on the Trash Can icon located next to the title of the RSS feed.

    2. A dialog window will appear. Delete the RSS feed by clicking OK. View changes.

  • Creating New Schedule Items

    1. Under Schedule, instructors can add content to an individual day. Click on the box associated with the day to add content to.

    2. A dialog window will appear.

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    There are seven different types of items that can be created in the Schedule:

    • Assignment: the dialog window will automatically adjust to show the normal New Assignment dialog window options.
    • Attendance: Add a title, description, category, due date, points possible, and student editing option to create the attendance assignment.
    • Digital Dialog: Add a title, discussion prompt, category, due date, and points possible. Use the top tabs to navigate to other options.
    • Exam: the dialog window will automatically adjust to show the normal Exam dialog window options.
    • External Plugin: the dialog window will automatically adjust to show the normal external plugin dialog window options.
    • Survey: This type is for a Student Ratings assignment. Select options in the dialog window.
    • Text Only: Text only items will appear in the Schedule and nowhere else. They are ideal for reminders, announcing guest speakers, topics to address, or other such events. Simply type the desired message in the text box and click the Save button. The text only message will appear in the column on the day selected.

    Note: Multiple assignments listed on the same day cannot be reordered within that day. Only multiple text items listed on the same day can be reordered.

    Edit/Copy/Move/Delete Schedule Items

    1. Under Schedule, locate the item. Click on the drop-down menu that will appear to the right of the item title. Click the appropriate action (edit, copy, move, or delete).

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    2. A appropriate dialog window will appear, depending on the selected option. Follow the prompts.

    Editing Final Exam Information

    The final exam information found on AIM is automatically displayed on the Schedule. If changed on AIM during the semester, this information is not automatically updated on Learning Suite. However, the information can be manually edited in the Schedule.

    Under Schedule, find the Final Exam information listed in the schedule. Hover over the information and click the downward arrow that appears. Click Edit Item. Adjust the information as necessary. Click Save.

  • Add Days to the Schedule

    1. Under Schedule, add days to the schedule by choosing an existing date and then adding a day before or after. Click on the drop down menu of the existing date to add a day next to.

    2. Click on +Add day [before/after] to add a day to the Schedule. View the newly added day in the schedule.

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    Note: Instructors can also add days to the Schedule by selecting a “non-blue” day from the calendar on the left hand side of the Schedule.

    3. A dialog box will appear. Click OK to add the day to the Schedule. View the newly added day in the schedule.

    Adding Days Prior to the start of the semester

    Learning Suite does not currently have simple functionality to add days to the schedule that occur before the semester. However, it can be done with a work around.

    1. Go to the class Schedule. Notice the calendar section on the left side of the screen. Days cannot easily be added to the schedule if they do not appear in the calendar.

    2. Add the first possible day to the schedule by selecting it from the calendar on the left. The Add Day dialog window appears. Click OK.

    3. Select the day in the normal schedule section found to the right of the calendar. Click the drop down arrow that appears and select + Add day before. The day will be added to the schedule. Add as many days as needed following the same steps.

    Move Days

    Instructors can move items using three different methods:

    • Moving Days: Moving days allows instructors to move items from one day to another day regardless if it is an instructional or non-instructional day. For example, if the instructor has items on their schedule associated with a non-instructional day they will be able to move them to any other day irrespective of type.
    • Shifting Days: Shifting days will only work if the instructor is shifting items from one instructional day to another instructional day. For example, if the class is held on MW, the instructor will only be able to shift items from a MW to a MW. The only exception occurs when the instructional day is adjusted to accommodate a holiday.
    • Swapping Days: Swapping days will only work if the instructor is swapping items from one instructional day to another instructional day. For example, if the class is held on MW, they will only be able to swap items from a MW to a MW. The only exception occurs when the instructional day was adjusted to accommodate a holiday.

    1. Click on the day to move/shift/swap. The row that contains the date will be highlighted in yellow.

    2. Click on the drop down menu of the existing date to move. Click Move day/Shift day(s)/Swap Day.

    3. A dialog window will appear.

    • If moving: Use the Calendar text box to select the day to move the schedule items to. If there is already content in the day the instructor is moving the schedule items to, they will need to select what to do with the items (add to existing items, replace existing items, or shift instruction days affected by the move). Click OK to move the schedule items.
    • If shifting: Use the Calendar text box to select the day to shift the schedule items to. Click Shift Days to move the schedule items.
      • Note: The spacing between the items will remain the same. For example, if the instructor is shifting items to an instructional day that already has items associated with it, those items will also shift accordingly, to keep the same amount of instructional days between the items. However, items will not be shifted past the last instructional day of the semester.
    • If swapping: Use the Calendar text box to select the day to swap the schedule items to. Click Swap Days to move the schedule items.

    Delete Days

    Under Schedule, click on the drop down menu of the existing date to delete. Click Delete day.

    Note: If the day being deleted contains assignment and text items, a dialog window will appear. The instructor can either remove the items from the schedule by clicking the Remove these items radio button or move the items to another day by clicking Move these items. Click Remove day to delete the day from the Schedule.

  • 1. Under Schedule, locate the item that needs to be moved.


    2. To move the schedule item, click on the item, hold down on the left mouse button, and drag the item to the desired day/column.


    Note: If any other item other than a Text only item needs to move to a different column, a dialog box will appear. There are three options: move the category into the new column, move this assignment into a new category, or leave the assignment in the previous heading. Each column in the Schedule includes specific categories, and the items must remain grouped in the column that includes their category.


    For information about editing multiple assignments simultaneously, click here and view Batch edit functions.

  • To Google Calendar

    Users can export the content of course schedules to Google Calendar.

    1. Under Schedule, click Get iCalendar feed located at the top of the page.

    2. Copy the link provided.

    Note: Ensure the entire URL is selected. Do this by triple clicking anywhere within the text box.

    3. Open your Google Calendar and on the left side, click the + next to Other Calendars. Select From URL in the drop down box.

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    4. Paste the link copied in step 2 into the URL of calendar input box.

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    5. The calendar will now appear in your Other Calendar list.


    Items from BYU Learning Suite will be added to your schedule as all day events.


    To add other BYU Learning Suite course schedules to Google Calendar, simply repeat this process for each course. This calendar is setup as a feed and will change if the schedule is changed in BYU Learning Suite; however, these changes will only be updated one time per day.

    To iCal

    Users can export the content of course schedules to iCalendar found on Apple products.

    1. In Learning Suite, under Schedule, click Get iCalendar feed located at the top of the page.

    2. Click Download File.

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    3. Open the Calendar app on the iOS device and click File.

    4. Select Import... The finder will open. Locate the downloaded calendar file and click Import.

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    5. Select a destination calendar and then OK. The calendar will now appear in the iOS Calendar app.