The Learning Suite syllabus gives students easy access to the syllabus and allows them to see any changes made to the syllabus immediately. It allows instructors to easily update, edit, and copy from the syllabus semester to semester. Also, some of the information entered in the syllabus will be automatically integrated with other areas of Learning Suite, saving time (e.g., when the instructor enters information about assignments in the syllabus, it will automatically go to the gradebook and schedule and vice versa).
However, instructors can choose another option that fits their needs better. They may upload a file (Word, PDF, HTML) that is already created, link to another website that contains the syllabus, or not include a syllabus at all. (Note that some departments require use an electronic syllabus.)
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Syllabus Setup
Instructors have four options to choose from while setting up the course:
Use BYU Learning Suite Syllabus: to create a syllabus integrated with Learning Suite.
Upload a syllabus: to upload a file that contains the syllabus. Select Upload a Syllabus. Click Choose… and locate the correct file in the computer. Click Open. This will provide a link for the students to download the file when they click on the Syllabus tab in Learning Suite.
Link to another website: to navigate the students to a website containing the syllabus. Enter the website URL in the text box. Once saved, the Link button will appear next to the website URL entered. This gives the option of opening the website entered and saved. Students will see the link when they click on the Syllabus tab in Learning Suite.
Do not include a syllabus: to not include a syllabus. This will not create any syllabus in Learning Suite and the Syllabus tab will not appear to students. Note: Some departments require professors to include an online syllabus. Check your department’s policies for more information.
After selecting the preferred option, click Save and Continue.
Note: Instructors can change the type of syllabus used at anytime. To do so, click Setup from the Syllabus navigation menu. Change to the desired option. Click Save and Continue.
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Course Info
Use BYU Learning Suite Syllabus
1. Click the checkbox(es) next to the section(s) to include in the syllabus. Each item selected will be a section heading in the syllabus under which information can be entered. The items already listed are not required fields and will not be included in the syllabus unless they are selected.
2. Click +Additional Field to add a section not listed. A dialog window will appear. Type the name of the additional field in the Field Name text box. Click Save.
3. Click Save and Continue.
Course Description
The description will provide students with a brief overview of why the course is being offered, what will be taught and what they can expect to learn. It should be information similar to what is found in the course catalog.
Note: This step reflects the process for setting the course prerequisites, grading policy, participation policy, attendance policy, classroom procedures, study habits, and teaching philosophy.
Type the course description in the text box provided. Users can either type directly into these fields, or copy and paste information from an old syllabus using the Clipboard icon (using this button will help preserve previous formatting). Click Save and Continue.
Instructors may consider including courses, experiences, or skills they feel that students need in order to succeed. Distinguish between those that are required and those that are recommended. Also include any required evidence students to produce.
The preset Materials section is connected to the BYU Store’s database. Any texts or materials linked to your course through that database will automatically appear on this page. Click Edit Booklist to change any required course materials. The user will be directed to the BYU Store external website. Click Save and Continue.
Note: Learning Suite hosts course material information through the BYU Store website. For more information help from the BYU Store, please call 801-422-3004.
Grading scale
Determine how final grades are calculated by setting the grade scale. Grade scales can be created based on points, percent, or distribution. Click Save and Continue. Click here to learn more about setting a grade scale.
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes set the purpose for the course. Learning Outcomes required by the department are already listed.
Click +New courseoutcome. Insert a Title/Label and Description for the Learning Outcome. Click Save. The additional learning outcome can be edited or deleted at any time. To edit, click the pencil to the left of the learning outcome’s title. To delete, click the trash can to the left of it.
Note: Learning outcomes added here in Learning Suite will automatically appear on the Learning Outcomes website ( listed under this course and the instructor's name.
Grading Policy
Having a grading policy essentially creates a contract between the instructor and their students. It may include information about extra credit, late work, class participation, a grading curve, and such.
Example: To receive full credit, assignments must be submitted online by 5 p.m. on the due date. Late assignments will be reduced 10 percent per day (including weekends). Assignments will not be accepted for credit five days after the due date.
Participation Policy
Students want to know about anything that affects their grades. If participation is important in an instructor's course, they may want to discuss the following topics:
How participation affects grades
What constitutes participation
Who evaluates participation
Attendance policy
If attendance is important in the course, the instructor may want to discuss the following topics:
How attendance will affect grades
If attendance will be taken
What happens if students arrive late or leave early
What is an excused absence
How to get information about what happened in class when a student was unable to attend
How students should submit assignments due in class if they cannot attend that day
What happens when students are late due to inclement weather
Classroom Procedures
Topics may include:
The policy concerning cell phones, laptops, food and drink in class
The materials students should bring to class
The best way for students to communicate with you and other instructors or TA’s
Classroom safety
Study habits
Topics may include:
How to effectively read the textbook
Effective note taking
Memorization techniques
Time-management tips
Group study tips
Preparing for tests
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1. Once the syllabus is set up, the user will be directed to a page displaying instructor information. Click the pencil icon to update contact information and office hours.
2. A dialog window will appear. Update the email, office phone, and office location by typing the appropriate fields. To add office hours, click the checkbox to the corresponding days. Set the time for the office hours by using the From: and To: drop down menus. If office hours fall on different days and at different times (for example Mondays from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm and Thursdays from 9:00 am-11:00 am) the user may add additional office hours by clicking Add Office Hours. Click the By Appointment Only checkbox if the office hours are by appointment.
3. Click +Add Field to add additional fields to personal information. This can be used to explain how to best contact the instructor, discuss their background, or provide other information that is relevant to their students about them.
4. A dialog window will appear. Type the name of the additional field in the Field Name text box. Click Save.
5. Type the information to include in the About Me text box. Click Save to update the information.
6. (Optional) Add a co-instructor by clicking +New Instructor.
Note: Co-instructors and TAs have full access to your course, so add users with discretion.
7. Search for the co-instructor by typing their last name or BYU Net ID in the correct field. Click Search.
Note: If searching by last name, a list of users will appear. Make sure to select the correct individual. If possible, search using the instructor’s BYU Net ID.
8. Once the co-instructor has been found the Edit Instructor dialog window will appear. Update the information and click Save.
9. Once the instructor information is correct, click Save and Continue.
10. Click +New TA to add a TA to the course. Search for your TA by typing using his or her’s last name or BYU Net ID in the correct field. Click Search.
Note: If you search by last name, a list of users will appear. Make sure to select the correct individual. If possible, search using the TA’s BYU Net ID.
11. Once the TA has been found the Edit TA dialog window will appear. Update the information and click Save. Once the TA information is correct, click Save and Continue.
To edit Instructor/TA Info:
1. Under Syllabus and Instructor/TAs, click the pencil icon to update contact information and office hours.
2. Update the desired information. Click +Add Field to create an additional field for other information that is not included by default. Click Save.
Note: Co-instructor and TA information is edited by following the same process. Click Teaching Assistants in the Syllabus navigation menu on the left to edit TA information.
To hide Instructor/TAs:
Instructors can hide the instructor or TA information that normally appears in the syllabus from the students. Additionally, this will hide instructors and TAs from students in Email and Messages.
Note: Any instructor or TA can be hidden from students. Other instructors will see hidden instructors or TAs in the Syllabus and Email tabs, but not in Messages.
1. Under Syllabus and Instructors/TAs, select Instructors or Teaching Assistants to edit the desired information.
2. Click Edit on the right of the instructor or TA’s name. A dialog window appears. Check the box next to Hide this Instructor from students. Click Save.
Note: To hide TAs select Teaching Assistants under Instructors/TAs in the Syllabus navigation menu on the left and follow the same process.
The Assignments section allows instructors to create and edit assignments for their course. Assignments can also be accessed from the BYU Grades, Schedule, and Home tabs. Changes made to an assignment in any one of these areas will apply to that assignment everywhere in Learning Suite. Click Save and Continue.
The Policies section will display the three mandatory University policies that are permanently included in your syllabus. Add University additional policies by clicking the appropriate checkbox. Click Save and Continue.
To add personal policies, click +Additional field. Type personal course policies in the text box provided. Users can either type directly into these fields, or copy and paste information from an old syllabus using the Clipboard icon (using this button will help preserve previous formatting). To erase previous formatting and make all old text uniform to Learning Suite text, click the Remove Format button. Click Save and Continue.
In the Layout section, users can change the order in which sections will appear in the syllabus. To move a section or sub-section, click and hold the section title. Drag and drop the section to the new location. They can change the order of sections within a category, move sections between categories, and rearrange the order of categories. Click the Pencil icon to edit the title of any syllabus section or sub-section. Click Save and Continue.
Note: This changes the way the syllabus looks when printed and in Student View. However, it will not change the order of the tabs in Instructor View.
There are several ways to share your syllabus:
Link: Share the syllabus with anyone regardless if they are a user on Learning Suite by distributing the link.
Word Export: Download the syllabus by clicking Download Word (.docx)
Print: Print the syllabus. Click the checkbox next to the sections to print and click Print Syllabus. Click Save and Continue.