Batch downloading can be useful when the instructor would like to download all student submissions, annotate them in a separate system, and re-upload the submissions with the feedback. This option would be applicable if the instructor does not want to annotate student submissions in Learning Suite. Click here for more information about annotating and leaving feedback in Learning Suite.
To Batch Download
1. In the Grader, select the student name drop down menu and select All Students.
2. Click Batch download. A dialog window will appear. Click Save to download the batch of assignments.
3. The files inside of the .zip file will be formatted with the student’s last name, first name, net ID, and the file name.
Note: Once the files have been edited, make sure to save the files with the same name format, but in a new location. Otherwise the file cannot be uploaded back into Learning Suite.
To Batch Upload
1. Open the folder where the assignments are saved.
Note: The file names can be edited with the exception of the Net ID and underscores. Those values in the file names must remain unchanged.
2. Select all the assignments. Right click on the selection. A menu will appear.
4. Open the Grader in your Learning Suite course, then click Batch Upload. A dialog window will appear.
5. Select the newly created .zip folder from the files. Click Open. A green dialog window will appear confirming the files were uploaded.
To view the uploaded files, click the Feedback drop down menu.
5. Click the Upload menu. All files that have been uploaded using the batch upload process will be displayed.
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Score Exams Using the Grader (Legacy)
Instructors can grade exams, change scores, and make comments on students’ exams through Learning Suite Grader.
Instructors can score and leave feedback on students's exams through the Grader.
1. Select the desired course and click BYU Grades.
2. Click the arrow next to your exam’s name and select Open Grader from the drop-down menu.
3. Click Select a student from the drop-down menu to view that student's exam, or choose Grade by Question to view all student responses for each question. Correct responses are marked with green checkmarks. Incorrect responses are marked with red x’s.
4. View the points that were earned for each question. Instructors can manually adjust points for any question. Enter a number in the box or use the arrows to increase or decrease the score. Click anywhere out of the entry box to save the score.
Instructors must score open response questions manually.
Scores may take up to one minute to display in BYU Grades. Try refreshing the page if scores have not updated after one minute.
Instructors can enter comments in the Comments field. If or when these comments will be are available to students is determined by the preferences selected in the Reporting section of the Scheduling Tab during exam creation.
Click here for more information about Reporting options.
5. Leave a comment(s) for the student under each question, in the Commentstext box.
6. If the instructor allowed multiple attempts on the exam, each attempt can be viewed by selected the attempt from the Attempts dropdown menu on the left.
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Grade by Question or Student (Legacy)
Instructors can score tests in two different ways:
Grade by Question
Grade by Student
Grade by Question
1. Under BYU Grades, open the test’s drop-down menu by clicking the arrow next to its name. Select Open Grader to access the grader associated with the specific test.
2. Click the Select a student drop-down menu. Select Grade by Question at the top of the student roster.
3. Click the Question drop-down menu at the top of the page to change which question to view. Navigate the questions numerically by clicking the arrows on either side of the question drop-down menu.
Grade by Student
1. Under BYU Grades, open the test’s drop-down menu by clicking the arrow next to its name. Select Open Grader to access the grader associated with the specific test.
2. Click the Select a student drop-down menu. Select the student whose exam answers you want to view.
3. Navigate through the students by clicking the arrows on either side of the students' names drop-down menu.
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Filter an Exam (Legacy)
Instructors have the option to filter exam answers by:
Course Section
Filter by Course Section
Once in the Grader, click the Filter By drop-down menu. Uncheck sections you do not want to view by clicking the appropriate checkboxes. The students and questions that appear on the screen will only be for sections that are checked.
Filter an Exam by Attempt
Instructors can filter by attempt when grading by question or grading by student.
When grading by question:
Click the Show All Attempts drop-down menu. Select which attempt by the students you want to view.
When grading by student:
Click the Attempts drop-down menu. Select which attempt by the student you wish to view.
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Show Ungraded Questions
While in the Grader, instructors scoring tests can filter to view questions not yet graded. Learning Suite allows filtering by ungraded questions when using these two ways to score tests:
Grade by Question:
Check the Ungraded Only checkbox at the top of the page to filter the questions and display ungraded questions.
Grade by Student:
Check the Ungraded Only checkbox at the top of the page to filter the questions and display ungraded questions.
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Score History
Instructors can view all past scores given to each assignment or exam. Average scores given by different graders can also be viewed. This can be useful to monitor TA grading to ensure that the class as a whole is being graded fairly.
1. Under BYU Grades and on the Scores page, open the drop down menu of the desired assignment by clicking the arrow next to its title. Click Open Score History.
2. The Score History dialog window for the specific assignment opens. Next to each student's name, the score given (or deleted) from each user is listed.
3. To see the average grade given by each instructor/TA, click Show Grader Averages in the top left corner.
3. The graders’ names, their role, the number of scores they graded, and the average score they awarded students will be listed in the table that appears.
For assignment types, the overall grade inputted in the Grader or scores page is recorded by each grader. If using rubric scoring, the history is recorded, but does not contribute to graders' averages.
For exam types, the overall grade inputted in the scores page is recorded in score history and average for each grader. However, scores inputted for specific questions in the Grader (such as open response) is recorded under the grader, "Learning Suite user," and does not contribute to grader averages. Learning Suite does not record the grader of individual exam questions.
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Downloading Student Submissions
Batch downloading can be useful when the instructor would like to download all student submissions, annotate them in a separate system, and re-upload the submissions with the feedback. This option would be applicable if the instructor does not want to annotate student submissions in Learning Suite. Also, this function can be used from the Scores page. For more information, click here, then select Gradebook Options and scroll down to the Batch Download/Upload Assignments heading. Click here for more information about annotating and leaving feedback in Learning Suite.
To Batch Download
1. In the Grader, select the Batch functions drop-down.
2. Click Batch download all files. The downloaded files will then appear in your downloads as a .zip file (or a folder if on Mac).
3. The files inside of the .zip file (or folder) will be formatted with the student’s last name, first name, net ID, and the file name.
Note: Once the files have been edited, make sure to save the files with the same name format, but in a new location. Otherwise the file cannot be uploaded back into Learning Suite.
To Batch Upload
1. Open the folder where the assignments are saved.
Note: The file names can be edited with the exception of the Net ID and underscores. Those values in the file names must remain unchanged.
2. Select all the assignments. Right click on the selection, or for Mac, hold control and click. A menu will appear.
4. Open the Grader in your Learning Suite course, then click Batch upload feedack. A dialog window will appear.
5. Select the newly created .zip folder from the files. Click Open. A green dialog window will appear confirming the files were uploaded.
To view the uploaded files, click the Feedback drop down menu.
6. Click the Upload menu. All files that have been uploaded using the batch upload process will be displayed.
Toggle Item
Score Exams Using the Grader
Instructors can grade exams, change scores, and make comments on students’ exams through Learning Suite Grader. Also, instructors can score and leave feedback on students' exams through the Grader.
Access Exam Grader through Assignments page
1. From the course home page, select the Assignments page from the left-side menu.
2. Find the the desired exam and click Score.
3. Click Select a student from the drop-down menu to view that student's exam, or choose Grade by Question to view all student responses for each question. Correct responses are marked with green checkmarks. Incorrect responses are marked with red x’s.
4. View the points that were earned for each question. Instructors can manually adjust points for any question. Enter a number in the box or use the arrows to increase or decrease the score. Click anywhere out of the entry box to save the score.
Instructors must score open response questions manually.
Scores may take up to one minute to display in Grades. Try refreshing the page if scores have not updated after one minute.
Instructors can enter comments in the Comments field. If or when these comments are available to students is determined by the preferences selected in the Exam Review Options during initial exam set up (click here, then select Advanced Settings for more information about Exam Review Options).
5. Leave a comment(s) for the student under each question, in the Commentstext box.
6. If the instructor allowed multiple attempts on the exam, each attempt can be viewed by selecting the attempt from the Attempts dropdown menu to the right of the student's name.
Access Exam Grader through Scores page
1. From the course home page, select the Grades tab.
2. Find the the desired exam and click the dropdown, then select Open Grader. Follow steps 3-6 as listed previously.
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Grade by Question or Student
Instructors can score tests in two different ways:
Grade by Question
Grade by Student
Grade by Question
1. Under Grades, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the test title. Select Open Grader from the drop-down menu to access the Grader.
2. Click the Grade by Question tab.
Note: The Grader also can be accessed through the Assignments page. Find the exam title and click Score (located on the far right).
3. Click the Question drop-down menu at the top of the page to change which question to view. Navigate the questions numerically by clicking the arrows on either side of the question drop-down menu.
Grade by Student
1. Open Grader through the Grades page or the Assignments page.
2. Click the Select a student drop-down menu. Select a student to view their exam answers.
3. Navigate through the students by clicking the arrows on either side of the student name drop-down menu.
Toggle Item
Filter an Exam
Instructors have the option to filter exam answers by:
Course Section
Filter by Course Section
Once in the Grader, click the Filter/Show drop-down menu. Uncheck sections you do not want to view by clicking the appropriate checkboxes. The students and questions that appear on the screen will only be for sections that are checked.
Filter an Exam by Attempt
Instructors can filter by attempt when grading by question or grading by student.
When grading by question:
Click the Show All Attempts drop-down menu. Select which attempt by the student you want to view.
When grading by student:
Click the Attempts drop-down menu. Select which attempt by the student you wish to view.