Student Progress
View Student Progress
Instructors can view student progress of units and activities. They can also mark units and activities completes for students.
1. Under Path, click on Student Progress.

2. Student names, the Progress bar, the Suggested Progress bar, units completed, and activities completed are listed. The progress bar will be grey when no work has been done, orange when the student has lagged behind the suggested progress bar, and green when the student is at or above the suggested progress bar. The suggested progress bar will move to indicate how far along the students should be in completing the units based on the suggested completion dates entered by the instructor for the activities and units. Click the eye to hide the bar.

3. Click on the carrot to the left of the name to show a detailed view of the unit progress. To further expand the detail view click the carrots to the right of the unit progress.

4. Click on the minus symbol to mark a unit or activity as complete for a student. A popup will come onto the screen. Click Continue.
Note: This cannot be undone!