Creating a New Gradescope Assignment
1. When creating a new External Plugin assignment, select the Configuration Type as Global Configuration (LTI) because Gradescope is provided through BYU to all instructors.
2. Select Gradescope Pro from the Global Module drop down.
3. Click on Deep Link.

4. The instructor will be directed to Gradescope. Select Link with a new Gradescope Course. Click Link Course.

5. The Create Assignment dialog box will appear. Click Online Assignment. Enter the desired information. Click Create Assignment.

6. The following message will appear. Click Close in the top right corner to redirect back to the assignment editor in Learning Suite.

7. The information entered in Gradescope should now be updated in the assignment editor in Learning Suite. In the image below, the description and due date have been updated.

8. Click Save. The assignment is now created in Learning Suite.
9. To add questions to the assignment, the instructor needs to launch Gradescope. Click on the assignment and go to the External Plugin tab. Click Launch LTI.

10. The instructor will be directed back to Gradescope, where they can edit the questions. Enter the question title, points, and the problem. Click +Add Question 2 to add another question. Click Save Assignment.

11. The assignment is now created, and students will be directed to Gradescope when accessing the assignment on Learning Suite.
- Assignment Name only syncs if there is no assignment name.
- Assignment Description only amends the information from Gradescope to what is already in the Learning Suite assignment description.
- Assignment Due Date will be overridden when deep link is used.
- Assignment points possible will be overridden when deep link is used.
Link Existing Gradescope Assignment
1. Follow steps 1-3 above. Click Link with An existing Gradescope Assignment. Select the assignment from the dropdown. Click Link Assignment.

2. Close the window to navigate back to Learning Suite.
3. The information from Gradescope is now imported into the Learning Suite assignment editor. Select the category and click Save.

Sync Learning Suite's Roster with Gradescope
1. Launch Gradescope by clicking Launch LTI in the External Plugin tab of the assignment editor.
2. Once in Gradescope, click Roster in the left menu.

3. Click Sync Learning Suite Roster. A pop-up window will appear. Check or uncheck the Email Notification and click Sync Roster.

4. Gradescope will now list all students in the class.
Note: TAs are added as instructors in Gradescope.

Sync Student Scores from Gradescope to Learning Suite
1. Launch Gradescope by clicking Launch LTI in the External Plugin tab of the assignment editor.
2. When looking at the assignment in Gradescope, click Post Grades to Learning Suite, found in the bottom right corner of the page.

3. The dialog box will show what assignment is linked. Click Post Grades.

4. Navigate back to Learning Suite and refresh the Scores page under BYU Grades. The scores from Gradescope will now appear.